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Date: October 5th 1944

30 Cdn Air Survey Liaison Sec, RCE

Cdn Army England,

5 Oct 44

Dear Jean:

Have been out on a trip this afternoon, rather fruitless from the technical standpoint, but enjoyable in other respects, and possibly worthwhile politically. Your wonderful long letter of 24 Sept was waiting for me on arrival back. I was asked to go along to look over a possible experimental site for some air photography with one of the scientists from "Combined Ops" and one of the US Army chaps. Their ignorance is pathetic, but I suppose its up to us who may know a bit more about one or two aspects to help them all we can. At least they have enough sense to appeal to "one who knows" (ahem). Have decided to get them here again in the next few days, and get my old professor, Mr Bourne down, as he is a specialist in the problem, and could give them a lot of help. Our trip was down in the region where we wintered 41-42. It is quite different in character, and I haven't had occasion to revisit that part of it since. We were entertained by an architect major for lunch, he works in London, but has his wife and baby girl in a lovely old farm house in the country. I thought who interested you would have been to see the house. The baby girl is a darling little thing, not quite two but able to trip around the house and carry on a lively conversation in her own special language.

Am sorry to hear about the little difficulty in Mary's beginning school. I admire your decision to be calm and patient about the whole thing, and not be beaten easily. I agree that they have misunderstood Mary, and also that it has been a difficult readjustment for her. I hope the worst is over, and that the mistress will have no further cause to fuss. Shouldn't be surprised that before the term is finished, the same lady will be approaching you with the praises for our little girl who was "so difficult" at first. As you say, the important thing for Mary is to give her a wider social environment, I don't think we shall ever have cause to be concerned about how much formal learning she acquires, or how fast. Mary seems to have a nervous reaction which affects her speaking, if it is carefully ignored, even at pain to her elders, she will outgrow it in time. on the other hand if it is aggravated, it may grow into a real difficulty for her. Miss Pearces behavior and agitation about the "Wednesday incident" is definitely an admission of weakness on her part, and its too bad there is no better kindergarten, however if there isn't, we should try to help Mary to get benefit out of it in spite of the principal. That is a viewpoint I always treid to follow in my own experience, both at school and at University, never let a poor teacher or instructor or professor spoil a subject for you. In other words the subject is the important thing, the person who professes to lead you into it is really incidental, sort of a useful but not necessary evil. The important and encouraging thing is that Mary seems to really like "school", so we can put up with the annoyances. I can quite imagine how cross you must have been, would love to have seen you, and no doubt would have been just as roused myself. The thing that pains me is that each month I'm away, I've missed sharing both the joy and the responsibility of Mary's childhood, her growth and development, and the joy of having her. Have been feeling a bit gloomy about the war lately, looks as though the German war is not going to end as soon as some thought. The longer the Nazis hold out, the worse they will be beaten, so although harder, it may be for the better.

This should reach you near the 15th, 1944-1938 = 6 my arithmetic is correct. Wonder if next one we can have our second honeymoon. I believe it will be even more to us than the first one. I think perhaps being married is like some other good things, it gets better as time goes on, and each of these anniversaries we have adds one more year to its wroth and joy. Even tho we have been apart so long, I feel that we have more than before, and much much more to look forward to. These have been years of self denial for both of us, and you have done your part there wonderfully, and here, I have tried to do the right thing. Mary is getting ahead well, and is a joy to both of us. Materially we have made good progress too, thanks to you. The future should hold great happiness for us, because I think we have both experience and wisdom enough to be happy.

I am very interested in your reactions to Berts Mill Bay place. Your report seems most complete, and will merit some close study. Your point about the sun and the climate is a good one, am sure there is a warmer average climate, and even more sun than in Victoria. I will think it over carefully, and will be seeing Bert again, and have another talk with him. The soldiers loan may be the answer alright. I rather doubt if bill Hall will be coming back to Victoria for some time after the war, he seems inclined to have a good look around. I would not emphasize this to Mary Rodd though. He will no doubt wind up there eventually, as nearly everybody seems to who tries to wander away. That's one reason I'd like to acquire Berts place, because even if we should wander ourselves for a few years, it is a wonderful spot to come back to.

LOVE to you dear, and to Mary..


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