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Date: November 9th 1941

No. 88.

Capt. G.S. Andrews, R.C.E.

Survey Directorate,

H.Q. Cdn Corps,

Cdn Army Overseas.

England, 9th Nov. 41.

Dear Jean:

This is Sunday evening, and I am back in the hospital - just came in this p.m. and expect them to go after my tonsils tomorrow. Am feeling fine, and the tonsils are completely normal, but the M.O. thinks they had best come out now before they get a chance to kick up another fuss. I am fully dressed, and it seems queer to be a patient and feeling 100% healthy - makes you feel just a bit of a piker - when you look around and see all the other people with something gravely wrong. However I should not have to stay long after - hope to be back at work by the end of the week.

It is just over 3 weeks since I left this place the last time, and there are 4 of the old crowd still here. It was like meeting old friends. While I was having supper, in the dining room with the other mobile patients, they brought in Capt. Purcell, whom I went to Ireland with last spring and who lost a leg about 10 days ago in a freak accident. He had been at a field hospital till well enough to move him up here to the big place. He looks fine - and is doing very well, and is bright and cheerful.

Am afraid I don't like hospitals tho! - and will be glad to get this business done with - and get settled back in my job - because there are a number of things I want to get on with.

This past week was a gala one! Three letters from you - October 5, 12, and 20 - so I feel more "in the know" as it were. The pictures of the house interior are fine - and it looks swell. Dave did a splendid job of them. It all looks very new and shiny - Am afraid when you get me home it wont look quite so tidy and spick & span - One thing, it looks bright and cheery too. Mary's room is nicely fixed up - am afraid you will have to try not to spoil her with too much care and luxury. It would be nice if she had a little brother to tantalize her a little - and keep the edges rubbed smooth - she is a dear child - and she has a wise and loving mother -

A letter from Hugh Hodgins and one from Mrs Swannell - that makes two I owe her for - Hope Frank arrives home in good shape - I thought Mr. S was just a little worried about him in this last.

I do hope you get the heating problem solved - I just wish I could get at it - However perhaps some of Eric Garman's research efforts will produce a cure!

My official promotion and appointment came through in Army Orders last week, so as soon as they get around to it, your wife's allowance will be increased by 5 as from 23 August. Also, I have increased my pay assignment to you from 100.00 to 140.00 per month. In total then, you should receive $202.00 per month, starting probably end of December. That will leave me plenty to get along on here, even if I should revert to Captains ordinary pay. I don't see any use accumulating money here, so will turn all I can over to you to invest, and use for your needs while I am away. An interesting detail I learned, my promotion to Capt. was put through inspite of the fact that there were some 85 R.C.E. officers ahead of me on the seniority list in the Cdn Army Overseas, so it is really quite an honour - however I should be able to justify it if I keep trying to do the right thing. Am glad to note that you have shipped some more tobacco, as I am now down to my last plug - and the parcel you mention should be along soon.

Am glad to hear that Lashley Haggman is doing so well, and that he has his commission - His family must be very proud of him - and how he will have grown up - what a magnificent opportunity these lads have to prove their nettle, and how magnificently they are proving themselves! I should like to see Lashley - and talk with him -

You say some nice things about our anniversary dear and my thoughts about you are more than I can say - I knew from the start that our happiness together would grow - even though it seemed full at the time - It has grown - and is growing all the time. I think one of the reasons is that we both brought all we to share with each other - and that was a lot. I meant to cable you for the 15th but I got rather balled up with the hospital at that time, and then it was too late.
I hope you will enjoy Gertrudes visit - she is a grand girl - Does she plan to take a job in Victoria or is she casting her eyes farther afield? Too bad she could not have come when the nice weather was on - You seem to have had a poor Fall - Perhaps the Winter will make up for it. I would like to learn more about Leila - trouble is I have forgotten her new married name, and it didn't seem very delicate to address her as "Mrs Ed Rennie" I think it would be nice if we could send her a wedding present in the form of a cheque for Xmas - I cant send any now, as I have just enough to see me through the end of the month - If you could spare 25.00 to reach her in time for Xmas it would be nice.

I will hold this letter till after my session with the surgeon tomorrow, and let you know how it went. In the mean time - Love -
Wednesday 12 Nov. 41

The tonsils are out, and I am beginning to feel more like normal - slept for practically 36 hours after the op'n - and still feel rather lazy - They give you pills etc to make you stay quiet which is a good idea I guess.

Don't know when I can get out, but rather think that if they don't let me go tomorrow, they will on Friday.

Well dear I'll get this posted - in the meantime al my love


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