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Date: November 1st 1944

30 Cdn Air Survey Liaison Sec, RCE

Cdn Army Overseas.

1 Nov 44

Dear Jean:

Yours of 22 Oct arrived yesterday, but I was tied up all evening till past midnight with some rush work, which only I could do. Today have been out most of the day, made a short visit to my old friends, the lens designers at Messrs Ross Ltd., a Mr Richmond and his young understudy, Mr Cooke. They were genuinely glad to see me, also made a number of other calls, stopped at Bert Haywards place (the factory) and picked up a pumkin he had there for us, a very large one, unfortunately he had to go out just before we arrived, so missed seeing him. Also stopped in at BC House, Bill was along with, and we had a chat with Mr McAdam, the agent general, every time I see him I think what a fine man he is. They have recently fitted up a very comfortable officers lounge and snack bar at BC House, which is a credit to BC, and a thing very badly needed for Cdn officers in London. It has been a disgrace that there has never been a decent club for Cdn officers in London. The Americans of course have palacial places, sponsored by the US gov't. Of course it would be too much to expect the Cdn govt to do anything along that line. They wont even put in conscription to back up the army of volunteers they have overseas.

Things have been relatively unexciting since I got back from France last week. Altho, the job of sorting out the data I obtained over there has been most interesting, and will keep me busy for about a week yet. Bill and I went over to Morris's Sunday evening to sit by the fire, and chat. Tomorrow night we are going out for dinner with our YMCA ladies, at the home of one of them. Friday night I got tickets for Ecila and I to see "Arsenic and old Lace". Its been running for donkeys years, but neither she nor I have been yet, and it is one of the best shows in London. Havent been to a play since last winter. Its funny how my social activities always seem to come in a flurry.
Enroute home this afternoon, we were in the vicinity where Alf has his family. I asked him if he thought we could see the baby, so we stopped, and his "Mrs" was home, she works but is off wed afternoon and the baby was across the street at the day nursery for the town council. Of course she was fetched at once to see her daddy, and to be shown to the visitors. She is a dear little thing, and has a very bright and intelligent face, and it is easy to see that Alf adores her. Parenthood is becoming to most people, but especially to good folk. Alf's "Mrs" is a very intelligent and nice looking woman. She isn't a baby doll by any means, but a real woman. Havent asked alf what he has in mind for the future of his daughter and her mother. From what I could judge today, seeing them together, I rather think he will try to take them both back to Canada, and if she can get a divorce, make their partnership legal. Alf is not a fly by night fellow, and I have no doubt he had got over all his "calf loves" long ago.

I had not heard that Evans had been ill, had I known would have tried to see him before he left for Canada.

Am glad to hear that Chris is doing so well in spite of all the difficulties. You will be very popular with all our friends on account of the almonds, it was thoughtful of Chris to think of it. I haven't had a chance to talk to Bert Hayward since getting your opinion of his Mill Bay place. I would certainly love to buy it. Sure that it will be worth a lot of money someday. It might serve the double purpose of being a home for us when we don't have to work so much anymore and a valuable property to help our children after we're gone. I sent you £50 the other day. You will be needing some for Xmas exps etc. I guess flowers didn't get to you in time for the 15 Oct. I was a bit late getting the order placed this time, due to circumstances at the time.

We are all wondering what is going to happen in the US elections. Also the bets seem to favour the war in Europe going on all winter. I am not one of those who was over optimistic last August but it would not surprise me to see Germany have another upheaval inside before the winter is out, and the next upheaval may be the one that will end their resistance. Things in China seem to be getting some rather unfavourable publicity now, in connection with Stillwells recall. If I had time, would write to my aunt there, and ask her about possibilities for my work.

Bill goes to see the King next week, to get his MC pinned on his manly chest. His old auntie is coming all the way down from Wales especially for the occasion.

Lyle Trorey has recently received his PH D degree from London University, he enrolled in the graduate school when he first came over, and arranged to write his thesis in absentia, in fact he has not had to attend any lectures at all. Of course there is all kinds of stuff we are doing which would be suitable for a PHD thesis. I am a fool not to have done the same thing, but my trouble is that I give myself entirely to the work, without much thought to the personal gain it might imply. I seem to work for the work's sake and for the usefulness it will be to our war. Guess I am just a fool. Also Trorey spends a considerable proportion of his energy on self advertisement. With success too. Guess you married just a simple guy

LOVE to you BOTH.......GER

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