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Date: June 16th 1940


c/o Chief Postal Censor,




Dearest Jean:

I am again lucky - and happy - your letter dated 27 May from Auburn arrived yesterday, it made remarkably good time, and as it was addressed directly to me here, it was saved the trip to London. Am delighted with the pictures of Mary - and only disappointed that there was not one of you. She looks great - and is surely getting to be a big girl. No doubt she will be walking very soon. She's a dear little soul, Hope your air trip back to Victoria was enjoyable, and without any difficulties from the officials at the customs & immigration.

Your plan about building a small home for you & Mary & me (when I come back) seems very commendable. It is quite likely that it will be too or three years after I come home before we can think of building our real home on one property at 10-mile point, and until I return, you & Mary can feel secure and independent in our own little place. It should be a good asset too, probably a better form of investment than paying rent, or putting money in to bank.

We have some carrying charges which we should try to keep up if possible, 1 the premium on my insurance policy and 2 the taxes on our property at 10-mile point. It would be nice too if we could think about building up some kind of a fund for Mary's education - however there are greater things at stake just now - her freedom for one, so perhaps I shouldn't worry too much about education finances till later. I have full confidence in your choice of a suitable location for building a small house - and the type of house. If you sell the car, it would not be necessary to go to the expense of a garage either built-in, or separate. However in arranging the house on the lot, the provision of a separate garage to be built later should be considered. If we don't need a garage ourselves, we may find it advisable to build one when we wish to sell.

Everytime I write you, the war situation seems to look blacker and blacker in the interval - I hope, my dear, that the turning point will come soon, so that each letter will mark an improvement in the situation. The loss of Paris was pretty bad - and before it happened the possibility of losing the French capital seemed terrible - However, now that it has fallen into Hitlers control, we are still fighting - we still have an organized army in France, we still have the Navy, and the Air Force, and now, every hope of reenforcements in materials from the U.S. - in other words the fall of Paris although unpalatable, was not fatal - and we still have a chance of carrying on a longer struggle then the enemy can stand - and if all concerned keep on trying we will win eventually. By "all concerned" I mean all those who love liberty and freedom - which of course includes the U.S. Be of good courage my dear, and keep faith - Right will triumph!

I told you of my arrangement with the bank to send you £18 each month. I really feel that it is better to send you all I can spare, and convert it to Canadian funds - as long as they keep the official rate going between British & Canadian exchange, we will not do too badly - and as you are planning to live in Canada, we don't need to worry about the adverse relation with American funds. If you should get a job - and can earn a little - then put what is left over from my remittances into our little home. That is the best investment - and reserve, that I can think of. It so happens that I may have to reduce your next remittance because I have just been notified that I must get some more kit, i.e. clothes etc for use in a warmer climate, and that may set me back almost £10 on this months pay. Also I am going on leave for a few days - and may need a little money for incidentals. After this month I should not have to spend any more money on my outfit and should be able to resume my normal remittance of £18 again. The army gives us a certain allowance for these things, but it these allowances are never enough to buy all the things we are supposed to have - that is one of the privileges of being an officer.

The granting of a few days leave came quite unexpectedly - and I am planning to go up to visit the Smedley's - it may be the only chance I'll get for quite a while, and they are getting pretty old and feeble -Am looking forward to a few days quiet in their small village - and will write you from there.

Bill is getting leave too, and going to see his folks in Wales. It is hard to say what will happen after we come back from leave, but it seems likely that we may be moving.

I am so glad to have the pictures of the baby to show to the Smedleys - they will be most interested. If you should see Collins - tell him that I have his jacket fixed up and making very good use of it - Have not removed the old button on it, because they are a reminder of home with the British Columbia insignia on them.

It will be interesting to get your next letter from Victoria to learn about your trip back. You might tell Minnie Pollard that there is a Captain Harris here who knew the Pollards in Jamaica. Capt Harris did some triangulations in Jamaica. He is a very find fellow and a good officer.

Well dear - all my love to you & Mary - I hope she has a happy birthday, and will look forward to hearing all about it.

As ever -


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