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Date: July 25th 1943

No 177

25 July 43

Major GS Andrews, RCE

10 Cdn Air Svy Liaison Sec

First Cdn Army Overseas

Dear Jean:

After being cold and dull all week, it began to brighten up last evening, and was lovely today, which I took off. Left here yesterday in time to hike over to Shoelands for supper, Bert Hammond came up too, and we both stayed over night. Bert had to go back before lunch, but I stayed till about 5 this pm, and got home here just in time for supper in the mess. My conscience always takes a bit of a bend when I go an visit the Morris's for 3 meals like that, however they love to have us, and make up their menus of vegs and salads, and use up mostly unrationed things. I always find some job to do, and had a real fine time today cutting down long grass under their trees with a sickle, making a lot of supports for the tomato plants. Get a real good sunning, wearing only a pair of abbreviated drill shorts. In spite of the dull weather, have managed to get a bit of tan, and it is gradually clearing up the boils and pimples on my back and shoulders. After going to bed, Bert and I had a real good chat, we don't see so much of each other these days. Am supposed to take the rest of my leave but there are one or two important things on, so may have to take it peacemeal, a day or two at a time. If the weather is really settled, will try to get some more sun.

Early in the week, I got a letter from Frank Benton, giving me the news of poor Jack's death two weeks ago. I have heard no details, and hope to locate his brother who attended the funeral in Scotland. I wrote Frank at once, but have refrained from writing Mrs Benton, who will be grief stricken and may find that a lot of letters will only aggravate her sorrow. No doubt you have seen her, and have told her what a lot I thought of Jack. It is the first, and I hope the only blow that has fallen on any of what I like to think of as my boys. We had planned to have Jack brought in on our Air Survey organization for Cdn Army operations, and of course I was depending a lot on having Jack in our work after the war. War grimly takes the best along with the others. Am hoping to meet his brother, who seems to be a fine chap from his letter.

The Cowichan Sweater arrived at last, and a number of Major Hardy-Syms friends are going to present it to him, and split the cost. We're arranging a little party for him a week from tomorrow. He is a British RE officer who has been with the Cdns for over three yrs, and I know he will be very pleased. Your airgraph of the lith and one from Dad Hall arrived on Thursday. Will be looking forward to hearing about Mary's birthday party in your next. Was invited to make a record for the BBC for broadcasting to schools here, but had to stear it on to someone else. Found that the subject was just a little out of my special field, and am too busy just now.


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