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Date: July 7th 1940


c/o Chief Postal Censor



7 July 1940

Dear Jean:
Sunday again, and clearing up after a wet morning. It was a busy morning for me, and I didn't get a chance to get down to my letter. However the post only goes out once on Sunday at 5 p.m. so this will go just the same. No letter from home this week, but I can't kick, and will have all the greater anticipation or getting one soon. The mail service from Canada has really been extremely good for quite a long time. I hope you are getting my letters. I have written every Sunday. The tobacco has not yet arrived, but it too should be along soon.

My week has been busy - and has slipped along quickly enough. Am taking quite a lot of interest in the course and am gradually getting a little better, although there is plenty of room for improvement yet. I miss Bill of course, and wonder how he is getting along. however, in the army one gets used to people coming and going - and take everything as a matter of course. Bills aunt, in North England sent me a nice pair of sox, which she was doing for Bill, but did not get them finished in time for him, so she sent them to me.

No more news about any definite moves for me, and I hope they do something soon, for many reasons, not least of which is financial - By the way, I think I mentioned that your remittance will only be £10 this time instead of £18. Next month I think we can go back on the original plan of £18 per month, and if I am transferred, it should be better than that.

I had an official letter from Miss Taylor, about some of my books which I left in her care at the Forest Branch Library - and she fastened a very nice little personal note - she said she had just got my address from you. It was good to hear from the old Service - hers is the first letter I've had. Evidently some of the others are joining up - one by one - Mr. Oldlaw and Alec Gordon. She said you were looking well, and said some other nice things about you.

I suppose by now you have got more used to your job - and more familiar with the running of the Lands Dept. and its people. Also you will have your family problems worked out a bit better, care for Mary - and all the little things - It is a lot for you to try to do all alone my dear, and I hope you won't find it too hard. Dear little Mary - she is almost a year old. I think we ought to send a dollar to the Salvation Army on her birthday. She will be very important when she is a whole year old - No doubt she will be growing out of her clothes like 3 of a kind I shall be looking for news of your plans for the winter with regards to a house or suite. I hope we can get our finances down to a more satisfactory basis at this end soon. it would be grand if I could make enough so that you would not have to work - however we shall see how things work out.

I suppose most of the boys are out in the field - presumably they are doing some work. I hope they make out alright with the air photography.
Yesterday I was able to get leave from 2 p.m., so went down into town with another officer, to visit Nelsons ship the "Victory" - they have her [?] in an old dry dock - and although all the easily movable [?] have been taken out and stored in a safe place, there was a great deal of interest in seeing through the old ship herself - made of sturdy English oak - saw Nelsons quarters, which he occupied as admiral of the fleet - and the spot on the deck where he was wounded, and below the spot where he died. These old wooden warships have rather a tub-like contour, and are anything but stream-lined - however they were proud craft in their day. We spent over an hour on board, being shown around by a petty officer. Then we had tea, did a little shopping - and took in a variety show, then dinner, and finally back to barracks about 11 p.m. It was a welcome change to get out of the fort - and possibly seeing some shapely legs at the variety show didn't hurt us either! The only bad part of the business was the cost - I spent nearly a pound - everything is expensive - and usually the "other chap" who goes along is getting his full civil pay doesn't worry about expenses - and is inclined to set a faster pace than my pocket book will stand. Anyway it doesn't happen very often - It was the first time I had been really out of the fort for 2 weeks.

Well my dear - I think that's about all the news I can think of this week - I wrote a short note to your mother last week - All my love to you and Mary - a hug & kiss for both of you - and don't work too hard.

As ever -


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