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Date: January 5th 1941

Lt. G.S. Andrews -

c/o "I" Branch,

H.Q. Canadian Corps


England, 5 Jan. 1941

Dearest Jean:

Sunday again, and your letter of 11 December arrived, along with the one from Chris. It was good of Chris to write - he is one of the best. Evidently he has had a good year on the ranch - and although he gives the credit to you Father - I think the son too had a lot to do with it. Vera and Eddie are certainly growing up - when you write give them all my best - I wont promise to write Chris - but of course it is not beyond the bounds of possibility.

I was very sorry after writing that letter of 17th Nov. but you see dear I share the important things with you - good & bad - you are of course right - I am too impatient no doubt, but perhaps a little of that is necessary too. As I said in a recent letter there is a ray of hope - and it may break suddenly into full sunshine. Its like waiting for photographic weather - the main thing is to be ready when it comes!
We had a nice New Years - I was invited out to a private dance in a fine old farm house - part of a manor house - It had beautiful hardwood floors - and was really great fun. I had some O.B. Joyful as Frank calls it - but not too much. Met some very nice people there - a Doctor & his wife - from New Zealand, now practicing in the country. They wanted me to come to visit them - probably will not hear from them again - the [?] & [?] were most charming - a young couple about our age - really gentleman farmers - you would have liked them - he has his 2 elder children out in the Bahamas their whole school moved out there - and their two youngest ones are here. I keep wishing that all these fine people would come to Victoria so that they could meet you & Mary and see what a real fine American wife really is like. I got home to the mess at 4 a.m. and had a good sleep - Later in the afternoon we received officers from other units & H.Q. and later called at the Battery. Lorne had gone back to his course.

Two nights ago I was invited up to the Battery for a fine duck dinner - Lorne was still away - but I know the other officers up there quite well - much to my surprise & pleasure Col. Carrie was there - the one who was so fine about writing you. He seemed genuinely pleased to see me, and still wanted me to join his regiment. I explained that I was as determined as ever to get what I came over for - and as it was of increasing importance - justifying my attitude I could hardly accept, although his offer was extremely tempting - His parting gesture was "If you ever decide to change your mind let me know - the offer is still open" - He certainly is a remarkably splendid man - under whom it would be an inspiration & privilege to serve - However - I know what I want - and I shall keep trying to get it if I have to turn the whole Canadian Army upside down & inside out - A captain La Framboise (French Canadian) was travelling around with Col. Carrie - whom I met in 1934 at Montreal he is with, in civil life, the Can. Airways Ltd Air Survey dept. under Jenkins. La Framboise is a great little fellow - and it was nice to renew our acquaintances - he is paymaster in Col. Carrie's Regiment - and told me that Dick Farrow is over, as well as Arthur Stormwell - I hope I shall get a chance to see them before too long.
One thing - even if I have been dissatisfied with my occupation in the army - I have certainly made some fine friendships - one comes in to contact with some great chaps - our friend Charlie Sontar went on leave yesterday - and an hour after he left your parcel of cigarettes arrived for him - He will be very pleased when he comes back to find them waiting - Thanks for doing this little kindness dear - these are the things that really count.

Have been busy day & night making the final audit of the News Canteen, which has been one of my pigeons for 4 months - we end the year with a net surplus of £16-0-0. When we took it over on 1st Sept, it was in the hole over £140-0-0 Some one else [?] will be taking it over now, and I'm glad to turn it over - not a very inspiring job - Got the statement finished up about 3 p.m. and walked up to the Bevan's on there island - & back a good 5 mile round trip - They were just ready to sit down to early dinner & of course were glad to have me share it with them. They are a fine old couple.

Well dear - I will close for now - the pictures of Mary & Graham are sweet - at their birthday party. I may add a note tomorrow.
Best love


This is Monday - and I delayed posting this because I knew something was coming up to-day - but wasn't quite sure - at any rate I have a new address which is amended at the top, page 1. Don't know what its all about yet - but it looks like a step in the right direction - cheers -
Got some more letters to-day - a fine long one from Mary - and a very interesting one from Mickey Trew - Tell him how pleased I am to hear from him - and that sometime I will answer it. Also a Xmas note from Mrs. Sones, her husband died last summer, and poor old lady is there all alone - Wilma & Ernest both away Teaching, She said she had tried to phone you but couldn't find the name - said she would love to have you come & see her and bring Mary E.

Well dear - I'll keep you posted with developments -

Love - Ger.

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