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Date: September 17th 1941

(Can) R74906
Sgt Pilot Davey J.V.
#53 O.T.U., R.A.F.
Sept 17/41

Dear Mother, Dad & Art:

Well here I am again, still moving but should be at this address for six weeks or more. I haven't had any mail from Canada yet. but did get a letter the other day from Uncle Harry. I haven't been to see them yet as havent been able to get any leave altho' we spent over two weeks at the last place and were doing nothing except having a lovely holiday. & now we are down to work again. should be up flying tomorrow or Friday we are on the famous 'Spits' and should be taking one of those up after an hour or two on a Miles Master. boy they really look good I'm telling you - nice and fast, I'm glad again I wasn't put on bombers altho' I asked for it over here as well as being recommended for them in Canada. I am still minus a kit bag with my dirty shirts underwear & socks in as well as razor blades, flints etc - flying boots & helmet, but this morning I had new flying boots & helmet issued with flying equipment. but I sure hope it turns up soon too. I'm sure I don't know when I'll see the folks now we are about 4½ hrs from London but apparently we wont get any leave till we have finished here altho' we might possibly be able to get a week end in sometime or other, I hope so. I'll have to write them again & let them know the new address. I was posted here half an hour after I had posted my second letter to the bunch.

Well folks there's not a great deal to say again, it is sort of a son of a gun not being able to give you a lot of news as there is plenty to tell but that will have to wait till I see you again.

We have a nice mess here & are being treated very well, but we are really miles from anywhere of importance, maybe thats a good thing as we can always sleep, something we didn't get much of the last two weeks, what with dances, shows etc. but now that is all over for the present.

How is every thing going back home I hope you are all in the best and that you are pretty well back to normal again Mom; Have you seen much of Con since I left., I sure wish I could get some of the letters that should be some where around waiting for me. may be I will now I have been stationed for awhile.

Well Don, Miles & I have all been split up so goodness knows when we will be seeing each other again, we know where each other are & are going to keep in touch with ourselves & arrange to meet sometime soon.

Well I guess this about finishes the lecture for today and may I wish you Many Happy Returns of your Birthday Dad. I was intending to send a cable & may do so yet if I can find a place out here to send one, so please accept the above if I can't route one out.

So bye for now & hope to get a few letters so I can have something to reply to next time, I am going to send this Air Mail just for an experiment, please let me know how long it takes my guess is 10-12 days. I don't know but its worth a try, Oh by the way Uncle Harry hasn't heard from you for some time he says he has written twice since Xmas. now bye again with love to all

Loving son

P/S. Tell Art to say hello to Art Chapman for me & any one else he knows who I know.

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