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Date: December 29th 1941

(Can) R.74906
Sgt. Pilot Davey J.V.
c/o Station H.Q. R.A.F.
A.P.O. 1545
Dec 29/41

Dear Mom Dad & Art:

Hello folks it's me again & goodness knows when you'll receive this although I imagine by now you'll have had word & will probably be expecting a delay in letters. I think this is the 12th letter, I have put my correspondence some where but can't lay my hands on it at present. Well first I hope you are all well as can be & that you had a nice Christmas & will have a Very Happy & Healthy New Year also Prosperous if it's to be had.

We are on the high seas still a week today & about 5 - 6 days to go. nothing much to do have picture showe changing every second nite. "Sgt. York" was on the other day quite a good show. I sure missed a swell Christmas not being with the Squadron, they apparently were to have a good do, according to the C.O. & also missed out on parcels & smokes. I received Cons sweater but not Mr. Lindners parcel it came the morning I left Uncle Harry's to report back to the station so I was lucky there, & when I got back there was a nice parcel from Aunt Mollie & Uncle Jim, 'Dads' cookies from Ruth & another 300 smokes from the Amps. I haven't had time to acknowledge the same before leaving the country. I shall get a few off on the boat before we get to our destination.

I think I wrote you the night before I left. I know I wrote about 10 letters, I had thought we might get more leave after reaching the embarkation depot but no go so I had to write them farewell letters, I did have a couple of days leave & stayed at Uncle Harrys but couldn't take in the others as there wasn't time but I'm glad I got them all in the first time, boy it was sure a surprise to me leaving the country I could have stayed back with a little talking but didn't bother as I thought there might be one small chance of getting to Canada from this move, never can tell. Have they any fighter squadrons on the coast yet. Hurricanes or anything, thats the chance we Westerners are hoping for if they haven't, they should have sometime. There are quite a number of coast boys with me, Pud Foster from Victoria, Jack Neil from Nanaimo and a few from Vancur & Manitoba also Aussies and Newsies.

I must say the sun looks good after not having seen it for sometime & I do look sweet in shorts, stockings & shoes, they're sure cool & comfortable. I'll have a picture on day for you. Haven't used the old camera much. & didn't get me a picture of me & my kite, I wanted one but the weather was so changeable & when I had my camera at despirsals weather no good & vice versa. so I haven't one of me & a Spitfire & probably wont now as they have none where we're going as far as know. I wish they did have them swell kites.

I wrote to George Stock at the address you gave & didn't get any reply, that was about 2 weeks before I left. so maybe he has a new one or has left also. I saw Ted for about an hour one day. I went down during my last visit to Uncles, I was am sure glad I did now also saw a kid that went to High with me John George. he is a Sgt at the same camp as Ted.

Well now people I shall close till next week & will have more to say so bye for now & keep well Mom & I will write back to Arts letter in a couple of days. Cheer's & lots of love to all.

Loving son

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