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Date: April 23rd 1942

(Can) R74906
Sgt Pilot Davey J.V.
112 Squadron R.A.F.
Middle East.
April 23/42

Dear Mother, Dad, & Art:

Here we are again still around & hoping this will find you all okay and many happy returns on your Anniversary.

I'm pretty fit and doing okay we are in the do again but have been pretty quiet so far, today we are having some more sand its really terrific the way it blows last week the one we had it was terribly hot and the old wind really felt hot on legs & face, summer weather starts about this time & apparently it gets hot & I believe it.

I received a letters from Mr Lindner written January 28, it had gone to England & then out here, yet I haven't received any other Can. mail yet, its a funny situation had a airgraph from Aunt Kit the other day & everything is okay with them also a cable from Con. It sure didn't take long for my cable to you people with my Sqdn number on & your reply with the address on to reach me its too bad they dont allow dates to be part of cable grams.

I imagine this letter will sound nuts all bits and pieces but I'm danged if I know what to talk about. Three of our boys received their commissions the other day one was a chap who got a D.F.M. a few weeks back. There were four who had their medical for come, two brothers etc only one of the brothers came thro' & apparently they lost Bills records so his will come thro' in a few weeks now.

At present am in a tent with three Polish pilots darned good pilots, one has 4000 hours, flying, some hours & how he can fly anything. I have flown three types of operational aircraft now and nine types altogether.

Well how's everything going back home. Mr Lindner was saying he was in the Oak Bay A.R.P. & has done some first aid & stretcher drills, he seems to be quite a busy man, taking navigation course also. I often think of you all back there wondering what's going on and wishing I could get home every once in awhile also wondering about the guys who were still in civies when I was home I imagine they have been more or less put in the army by now, able to get into town & home & generally enjoying themselves, boy they aught to get a load of this country & doings right up miles from nowhere & only a few from Jerry, and spend from two to four months before being able to get into a town & when you get there, its just as bad ruddy Wogs, tearing around all over, sleeping on side walks during daytime flys crawling all over them. I thought this race was a real people according to history times but boy if so they sure have gone down to the lowest, dirtiest of all. It was great in England tho' you could always go somewhere after you'd finished you days work, but why worry I only hope we can start something over there get on the continent somehow & hammer heck out of them, sort of got wound up a bit didn't I its okay tho' we have a good mess, good eats & plenty to drink drinking water is naught, salty stuff, we have good old Canadian beer. Black horse, 40¢ a bottle no more I don't drink an awful lot and a guy can't go thirsty all the time. This country sure knows how to make money, special prices for the troops, where it costs a civilian 25¢ the special for troops is 40¢ not bad is it, you cant eat under 50¢ - 10 [?] and a four bit meal is a steak (small) -eggs (2) & chips (3) but for $1.50 you can get a good 75¢ meal, they have meat three days a week, & the rest of the week you can only get eggs, it drives one nuts, eggs-chips three times a day, variation well I've given the lowdown on it all now I hope you haven't heard it before & that it will interest you, but please don't worry people, everything is okay & will be so bye for now with all my love to you all and say hello to the kids for me Art & keep plugging at wireless bye for now.

Loving son,

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