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Date: December 14th 1941

No. 92.

Capt. G. S. Andrews. RCE.

Survey Directorate

H.Q. Cdn Corps.

Cdn Army Overseas.

England, 14 Dec 41.

Dear Jean:

Two letters from you this week, one of 15 Nov. and another of 23rd Nov. Also a pipe - a very nice one from Capt. Bowden, 600 cigs from Gert - bless her, a letter from Caroline Beck - one from Olive Andrews, and a note from Jack Andrews, Gordons brother. First I've had for a long time from Jack - and he has been getting around a lot - and lots of training - its always hard to keep track of the Airforce lads - they move around continually it seems. Oh yes - Beth Andrews enclosed a note with a Xmas Card from Abbotsford.

Caroline's letter was a wow - and she says copy went to my wife so to keep everything proper and above board. Shes great - and I felt quite forgiven for my horrible behavior when she left Victoria - Think I'll try to get a special note off to her. It was interesting to hear the news direct from California - and I hope Chris got some benefits from the improved Market situation in [?] fruits. Confess, I haven't got a letter off to your folks in Calif. However I'll try soon, I always enjoy a letter from Olive - she is surely a brick - and so cheerful - she seems to be in a position to enjoy frequent visits with her Mother - Vic Hugo and his wife - Gertrude will tell you all about them.

I should like to have seen the letter you mentioned of Uncle Alfred - on Andrews family - it is pretty complicated alright - and most of them have something pretty solid underneath - It is too bad that the Winnipeg brothers - Alf, Ashton - Fletcher and Thornton are getting near the far edge of the horizon - in Dad's case, already over it - they are a family closely knitted in with the fabric of Western Canada and its development. I always felt that I was fulfilling the destiny of the family in moving still farther to the west - to add my small bit to the contribution they and their father made. One thing they all excelled at - and that is selecting their wives - and in that respect I certainly have been fortunate to the fullest measure - You can hardly imagine my dear - how stabilizing it has been for me to have you - my wife - backing me - you color the whole perspective of my life here - and make it infinitely easier to keep up the right sort of attitude - and at the job - with the one[?] of spending our coming together again - I really feel sorry for many of the boys over here, who, if married at home are not as fortunate as I, a who have no tie at home - and simply God around here - thinking - a kidding themselves that they are having a good time - when really they are desperately without inspiration - and searching for real happiness - and get only the gawdy sham.

Now to the last of my letters I've been thinking about all week. After the Kite went up in the Pacific a week ago - I thought several times of cabling you - and held back - waiting for more news - and the picture to clarify - what irony - that my loved ones are now right on the front - and here we seem to be safer than anywhere in the world. There is probably no place on the globe as formidably defended as this country right now. What a week it has been - I refused to let myself get in a panic - and now I feel calm and confident - I think seriously that there will be no attempt at the W. Coast of the U.S. or of Canada. On top of that I feel every confidence that the defense, jointly between the States & Canada of the W. Coast will be more than adequate - Japan will be at a great disadvantage in attempting such a remote-control attack - and no doubt she is wise enough to concentrate her strength in what she wants to make her own sphere - the Western Pacific. If however at any time a surprise attack should be attempted on Victoria or the vicinity - please cable me how you are - because it will be a long anxious wait for a letter to catch up with the news of anything like that.

No the thing that bothers me is that you will have to suffer the misery of the black-out - it is miserable too - especially the first winter, and especially in your case, with Christmas coming along - when lights are such an important feature of Christmas cheer and happiness - but the worst thing about the black-out is the danger in the streets at night - you will be very careful, I know. Always carry a small torch in your purse - even in daylight - because one invariably gets delayed - and has to come home in the dark - When you cross the road - or when you even step off the sidewalk , shine the light on your own feet -it helps the motorist see what you are and where you are - and of course never wave it around pointing the beam into the face of oncoming vehicles. Bicycles are as dangerous as cars too - even more so, because they don't make any noise, and they often have bad lighting.
The black-out will put a cramp in your social life - and you will likely tend to spend more time at home in the evenings - Perhaps you had better get the gramophone after all.

I don't mind the black out nearly as much this year as last - but its gloomy business at that.

In the long run, I think Japan's action is the best thing that could have happened. Although the fight will be harder, we will be cleaning up the two evils in one job - Hitler and Japan - and Japan would have had to be faced eventually - so I feel we have really avoided another war. I think we will see the U.S. really go to town now too - and that will be decisive. Also, I feel that once we trip the balance in our favour - both Japan & Germany will go down quickly. The latter is showing symptoms now of exhaustion! I really think Germany is desperate at last.

I took a week-end off - got back here for lunch to-day - stopped at Morris' - they have an extra bed off the living room - I spent Sat. in town, Ecila met me for lunch - saw the Play "Quiet Week End" - It was great - a real laugh - and just what we needed after last week. Got back to Tyrellswood for a marvelous dinner - roast pheasant - I got a couple of books for Mary - but was unsuccessful in seeing any thing else worth getting. Came back here by bus & train - a dirty day rain & wind.

All my love dear -

As ever -


The Morris' send their love.

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