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Date: August 8th 1943

No 179 8 Aug 43

Dear Jean:

This has been a hectic week end, but all to the good. Yesterday afternoon was completely filled up with a very worthwhile conference with Gen McN and some other important visitors he had, I got a sudden summons shortly after lunch to hop right over there, and didn't get away till supper-time. There may be some interesting developments as a result, as for the moment, we can only "wait and see". Then I had to get right back because Dr Shenstone, who is the chief scientific liaison officer for the National Research council of Canada in the UK was coming down to spend the week end with me, and of course I was delayed unexpectedly at HQ. However my 21/c, Mary Luscombe had picked him up at the station, and was looking after him very well. We had dinner at a very quaint little pub in the neighborhood, then drove Dr Sh. over to see Mrs McNaughton, it so happened that we found the General at home, and relaxing, I felt a bit awkward about breaking in on his "off duty" time, but under the circumstances it was just one of those things that [?] very well be avoided. Anyway, both the General and Mrs McN seemed glad that I brought Dr Shv. over, so guess it was alright. We stayed about an hour, and then went to a party at my old mess, which my guest seemed to enjoy very much, we got back home here about 1:30 and to bed. Fortunately he slept in till noon, so I got a bit of work done this morning, but have been tied up with him all afternoon till about 9 this evening. He is a very fine fellow, and an important man in scientific and research matters, and has done me some good turns in connection with my army business. I think he really enjoyed the break. He is a professor of physics at Princeton University, but a native Canadian, and an old soldier, so he's quite human. Not the academic type, which I'm afraid I haven't much patience with.

Your letter of 25 July got here in quick time, on Wed. instead of Thurs or Friday. Also, I popped into Morris's for a minute yesterday, in passing, and they let me read your long letter, which pleased them immensely. Also, three parcels from you, full of all kinds of wonders. Was too busy to get my usual weekend visit to Morris's, but will take the things over to them perhaps some evening this week. My boys really spoil me, whenever I'm busy in the office in the evenings they make me a cup of coffee, which is quite often these days, and I turn over the powdered milk to them for the benefit of all of us. That is one nice thing about a small specialized unit like mine, you can enjoy much more personal comradeship with a few troops. It would be impractical with a large unit. These chaps of mine are all fine, all different, and we are all very loyal to each other. I often wish they could meet my wife, because that is a mans best part, and they would all think you are just right. I have a nice reserve of tobacco now, so I think you do not need to bother with any more for a month or two. I'm about the only one who has the patience to slice it up, and who really appreciates it, so there isn't much demand for it beyond my own requirements. Luscombe smokes a bit of it occasionally but only when he's out of cut tobacco. I smoke it exclusively, except for the odd cigarette, and the FB sends 300 per month, which just keeps me going nicely.

I think the sweaters would be fine for the Hayward girls as well as for Ecila. I got a bit of back pay this week, so think we can afford it, and both the Haywards and the Morris's have prevented me wasting far more money than would be involved in the sweaters. Had planned to send you the bulk of the back pay this week, about £80, but something came up in yesterday's conf that makes it wiser for me to keep a bit of extra money here for the next couple weeks, till one or two indefinite plans become definite. Also I guess our account in the Bank of Nova Scotia in Canada is still a joint account, against which I could write a cheque for say $50 in Cdn funds if I should suddenly need some of that kind of money. In such a checque should have to b cashed by me, you would be notified by wire of course. Anyway it's a good idea to keep a bit of ready cashe in our joint account just for sudden emergencies. Just keep this in the back of your head, and don't think about it too much, one never knows what is going to happen in the army until after it has happened, and I've learned from experience to be very cynical.

The weather has been very dull and no sun for the sun-worshippers. Evidently you haven't had so much sun in Victoria either. Have been reading Genghis Khan, in Nehru's book, Genghis wasn't over-religious, but leaned toward the Shaman who worshipped the "Everlasting Blue Sky". Think I'm a Shaman at heart. Genghis had a lot of other pretty sound ideas too!

Well Dear,

God Bless you both, and LOVE from....


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