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Date: April 20th 1941

Lieut. G.S. Andres. R.C.E.

"I" Branch. Canadian Corps H.Q.

C.A.S.F. Base P.O. Canada

England, 20 April 41.

Dear Jean:

A long spell without any mail, but at last one from you arrived this afternoon, from California dated 12 March. I think I must have missed one because the last was 2nd March, and you didn't mention anything definite about your departure in it.

It must have been a rush for you getting everything straightened out at home, and packing for Mary as well as yourself - and the long trip down. I'll bet you both were tired - and hope that you have not been trying to work too hard down there - you need a good relaxation - which I hope you will get. Has Caroline forgiven me for my preoccupation a year ago? Give her my regards anyway! It seems hard to believe that a whole year has slipped by since I had to leave my wife & baby! I hope another year will see us home again - or at least together again.

Sometimes I wake up in the night - and imagine you are there beside me -and sometimes dream that you are - How happy we will be when its all over. On the other hand, I should not want to come home now, with the job unfinished - things are a bit tough just now for the British - and their game but small allies - it is a big job - a great deal bigger than many people realize - to bring Hitler and his gang to a standstill and drive them back into their own country - and out. We are feeling the impact of his desperate effort to save the collapse that he must know is imminent if he doesn't force a decision this year. I appreciate the situation is grave but I am just as confident that we will beat him eventually if we can continue to have the support of the U.S. - and if we can continue to improve our own domestic arrangements. we have some magnificent leaders - but I think sill more of the non effectives inherited from the appeasement days should go - in favour of new blood. This applies to Canada very much I think.

I was sorry to hear about poor old Rob - his was a pretty tough life - and he was game and cheerful. How fortunate we are who have our health -and interest in life. I ordered 2 more pictures to be sent direct to you and you can give Frank Swannell his copy.

California must be lovely now. It will do you good to be with your own folk for a while - and I hope you won't feel too lonely when you go back to Victoria - I wish one of them down there would come back with you and help you get settled in the house. It would be fine if Chris could arrange to come up later on in the season when the work slacks off abit -
I am very interested in what you have to say about American opinions & reactions - and quite agree with you that the old war debt complex must be wranking in the minds of many - and there is much to be said on both sides of that old question. However, I am fully convinced that if Britain loses this war, the world will never be the same again for the US or any other Democratic country - and that it will cost the US much much more both in gold, material and blood to try to go it alone in a world dominated by raw brutality - Gestapo rule and absolute denial of individual liberty and self respect - Britain is now paying her tuition fees for the awful lesson of appeasement - I sure hope the U.S. won't be fooled into learning the same lesson the hard way - the tragic way - This is a world war in every sense - whoever wins it will dominate the world - all of it - Isolated, the U.S. might carry on for a while - an armed camp - but if she & Britain can't make Democracy win now - then its doomed - and the "American Way" of life will go down with it. Differences of opinion and disagreements of the past are trivial and insignificant compared to the issue at stake for every one of us - American or British - and the people over here are paying a terrible price for their past mistakes.

Mrs. Morris sends her love to you and Mary - poor old lady has been poorly lately - in bed, and suffering quite a bit. Its hard on these old folks and she feels it all so keenly.

I've been pretty busy during the past week - and will be this week - but its easy to work at my job - and it has been a wonderful experience - right in my own line - so I enjoy it - and time simply flies. The weeks seem to click by at a terrific rate. Am supposed to go on leave a week from to-day. But have not had time to make any detailed plans. would like to spend it quietly somewhere. Am not much for the bright lights & gay places - somehow that kind of stuff doesn't seem to fit in with the times.

My O.C. Lord Tweedsmuir is going on a course - so will be away for a while - Have developed a great liking for him - a splendid chap - and I hope he will come back again - He's a fellow with a lot of character - and a real gentleman - he has been swell to me.

Well dear - its bed time again - your letter seems to be the only one I get time to write - so give my best to everybody - A big hug & kiss for

Mary - and for you!

All my love -


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