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Date: August 27th 1942

Aug 27, 1942

Dear Folks.

I am not quite sure way day it is but here is another in my series of weekly epistles with the usual nothing much to report.

I still have a slight cold and the "Doc" won't let me fly. I take ultra-violet ray treatment every day and am also taking vitamin capsules. I wish I could get some more of them for they will strengthen my resistance to cold to which I seem quite susceptible (Is that the right word) I had a little trouble with my mouth. Had a very large ulcer in the roof of my mouth and also a case of trench mouth. However that is all cleared up and the dentist has been busy on my teeth. Filled five the other morning when I didnt have anything better to do.

Received another parcel in the last week. Thanks millions they are sure appreciated. This Yorkshire weather doesn't always permit photography but I am sending some films in tomorrow and will send you some of the results.

How did you enjoy your holiday in Edmonton. You didn't sunburn the roof of your mouth looking up at the tall buildings did you? I guess it was quite a change and a pleasant one to get away from Lloyd and into a little life for a while. I presume you called around to see Mr Jones and your other friends up there. I hope they are all well.

I guess that rationing over there is rather hard at first. It isn't too bad once you get used to it. They certainly look after their air-crew over here so we don't do too bad. It will certainly be a relief when it is all over though and I can return I really look forward to getting home too.

The padre was just telling me I missed my calling. He claims I should have been a parson. His name is Ashford and he has spoken in Lloydminster. He certainly is a grand chap. I sometimes go to the concerts for the troops with him and it becomes rather embarrassing during the more suggestive jokes. There was a play the other night and when one of the cast started to undress the padre didn't know what to do so he just gave way to his curiosity and sat up and watched. Needless to say the member of the cast in question was feminine.

I'll be watching for the big parcel you spoke of. I hop it gets here O.K.

Despite my last leave I am fairly comfortably situated in regards to finance this month. I am owed more than I owe so I guess that is a good sign.

I received a couple of letters from Doris this week so I had better get busy and write her. I am starting to get caught up in my correspondence I was really behind.

Well there goes the gong for tea so will close for another week.

Love to All

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