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Date: October 29th 1916
Mother & All

Broughton C.B. Oct 29/16

Dear Mother & All:-

Am dropping another line to let you know that I am still kicking & well. Have not received a reply to my last but I expect it has been delayed. Have been enjoying myself fairly will lately. A week ago yesterday we went down to the sea shore & I had my first duck in salt water but it was a cold one & I saw the first live seal swimming about a hundred yards from shore, that I had ever seen. Last Tuesday we went to Birch Grow for the day. It is only a small mining town of course a coal mine. I didn't go down in the mine as we had to get a permit but I was up in the town were they dump the coal. In this mine they had no shaft. The coal was drawn up a slope in small cars by a cobble on one track to a kind of a cylinder and soon as the car ran into [?] it turned over & dump the coal then turned back & the empty car ran out & back on another track.

Yesterday we went to Glace Bay, a place of about 18000 people. We received a good reception & were given our dinner in the Presbyterian church. After dinner I met a young lad. Ralphs age, named Bill Flynn & he took me down to the docks. I borrowed a fishing rod off a kid & caught these small fish & before I caught my fourth my pacients gave out & I quit. The march home was some what tiresome as we were on the go from 330 to 730. We are leaving here tomorrow at 11.30 for Halifax & I believe the boat is waiting for us there so when you reply address my letter C.Corp 184th Battalion Halifax & I will get it. Hope this finds you all well.

Your Loving Son


Original Scans

Original Scans
