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Date: March 1917

Signed W. H. Dobbie, Captain.

Mar. 1 Four Officers visited new position in St. Catherine.
" 2 Commenced work on new position at St. Catherine.
" 3 Continued preparation for new position at St. Catherine.
" 4 Moved from Mount St. Eloy to St. Catherine.
" 5 Men employed digging gun pits.
" 6 Worked at dugouts for personnel.
" 7 Work continued on gun pits and dugouts.
" 8 Gun platforms placed in position.
" 9 Prepared shell runs for Battery position.
" 10 Continued work on dugouts and gun position.
" 11 Corp. Moore and Gunner Weller, killed and Gnr. Keating, and Reed
" 12 Raining, Collecting material for dugouts.
" 13 Still digging dugouts.
" 14 Hostile shelling in vicinity of Battery, no casualties.
" 15 Work continued on dugouts.
" 16 Hostile aircraft very active to-day.
" 17 Received 700 rounds of ammunition.
" 18 All men employed on ammunition.
" 19 First gun arrived and mounted
" 20 Battery heavily shelled. Another gun arrived and mounted.
" 21 Heavy shelling in vicinity of battery. D.and C. guns in action.
" 22 Sgt. Preston returned. 600 rounds of ammunition arrived.
" 23 Work continued on sub section dugouts for crews on duty.
" 24 Enemy very active in air.
" 25 Registered D and C guns on Thelus Mill, 18 rounds.
" 26 Enemy shelled vicinity of battery, position. No firing.
" 27 C and D guns fired by plane on trenches at a17 100 rounds.
" 28 Hostile aircraft active, part No. 1 gun arrived and placed in
position. Fired 60 rounds on trenches in A6. 17.
" 29 Fired 270 rounds on trenches in A6
" 30 Fired 200 rounds on trenches near Mine Elms.
" 31 No. 1 gun in action and registered on Thelus Mill. 135 rounds.

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