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Date: June 26th 1916
Amos William

June 26/16
Monday Evening 7 PM

Dear Betty:-

This is the first minute I have had for the last couple of days I was on guard Friday evening until Saturday Evening - through all that rain - then the men that I had were pretty green to the business & during my term no less than 7 Battalions came by besides Field Officers so I was kept some busy believe me - Then Sunday morning church parade 8 A.M. & I had a peach of a cold could hardly speak on Sunday morning, went to the medical orderly & had my throat sprayed so that I was much better - I took service in the evening & had a good time, Oh on Saturday evening I was walking down Maine St with Pte Aylward sucking an ice cream cone when who should I meet but Mrs. Coad she was with two other nurses she stopped for a minute to shake hands etc.

To day has been a big day In the morning we fell in on Parade at 7 A.M. & did not get in until 12 Noon = It was Review by General Sam Hughes about 35,000 troops in Review etc I wish you could have seen it it was a great sight, though very hard work standing so long etc - The Medical Corps were kept busy carrying men off parade who were fainting etc. Then this afternoon I was in charge of a bombing party of 40 men went out about 6 miles for bomb throwing practice etc, & got back about 5-45 P.M., had a wash, went to mess then sat down to write this letter.

You must write as often as you can dear it helps a whole lot to get your letters, but if I miss a day or two you must not mind for you will know that it is because of being busy or tired. On Friday we have another big day in prospect when we are able to be reviewed by H.R.H. the Duke of Connaught so between now & then I expect we shall be hard at it.

It begins to look as though we may be going to England soon of late the past week the Canadian Casualty lists have been heavy & reinforcements will be urgently needed.

Let me know about the house payment etc. I am just a little uneasy about the money not being banked - I'd try & get it in dear even though you have to send it through the mail $ 150.00 dollars would bring you in a few cents interest in a week or so besides having the responsibility of it off your shoulders -

You spoke in your letter of sending Mr. Findlay 3 receipts how much has he sent, you know I sent him a receipt for his 1st payment of $ 7.00. Do as you like about papering but I wouldn't work to hard or nor yet go to much trouble & expense on the house yet. About furniture insurance I was under the impression that it was one of Bell's company's we had insured with - you had better find out & don't pay any premium until you see. Guess I'll send a few lines to Billy & Shirley etc Good night dear much love to self & kiddies
Will & Daddy xxxxxxx

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