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Date: December 4th 1916
Amos William

No 291494 Serg't A.W. Mayse
C Coy 222nd Batt'n C.E.F.
c/o Army Post Office
London Eng

"Somewhere in England"
Dec 4th Monday. 6.P.M.

My Dear Betty:-

Have just received No 7 forwarded by Rose & written Nov 19th - No 3 was the last I received addressed to St John, so 4 - 5 - 6 are yet to come The weather is still keeping better quite a frost last night made it feel a little homelike, the grass is green here & flowers still blooming, just on Saturday I saw a real old rose garden it was beautiful, there were red - white - yellow - pink roses, it must have been gorgeous when in full bloom. Oh Betty I hardly know or understand just what Emerson is doing re Patriotic Allowance, let me know will you, just how much you are getting from Emerson & how much from Wp'g Patriotic. Am, very sorry to learn that Mattie is back in Hospital & do hope that ere this she will be better, & pray that the operations will be permanantly successful. I have something to tell you before I forget, it came as a surprise to me, Colonel Lightfoot asked me to day if I would take a commission, I replied that I would - he did not say anything further, except that it would mean going into the Military Cadet College for a course of training, & all the officers who came with us from Canada have to do the same there is no chance of any inefficients getting over to France they certainly weed them out here, Now Betty I am not counting on this materializing I have learned not to expect too much in the Army - but it looks as though I am going to get my chance at last - am just telling you so that if it does come you will not be surprised & also be prepared, also if it does not materialize you must not be disappointed - about being prepared I mean that if I do get my commission I shall need a little money on the start for my outfit, but it would of course soon come back in increased pay;- your separation allowance would be increased to $35ºº per month & your assigned pay to $35ºº, & I understand that the Patriotic would continue to come as at present, I should also eventually receive $150 allowance for outfit, but I understand that this does not cover the cost of the outfit. So in the event of the commission coming to me will you try & leave, say $100 that I could have for a while & if this should come too soon to allow you time to do this, it might be well to see Mr R.D. Kennedy, & show or let him see my insurance policies, & you may be able to make a raise there. I might also mention that should anything happen me - your pension would be fairly substantial one about $700 per year, if I have a commission. This will be something for you to think about anyway & possibly look forward too, though I repeat don't count too much on it. One thing if it does come my way, it will be something to be proud of, winning a commission on merit & without any outside influence or patronage we shall see what the future brings - you may count on one thing that if I am to be recommended, I ought to be soon hearing something definate - One other thing I might mention - the commission would be in the Imperial Army & not the Canadian, though I would get Canadian Pay - so I may be getting back to my old Regiment the "York & Lancasters" (65th) that is enough speculation however - wouldn't I like to see you all again - especially now it is nearing Xmas, I would so like to take my little Son & Daughter to Eaton's to see the toys yes dear I guess you'll have to get Billy his tools & be sure & keep him supplied with pieces of old boxes to operate on & teach him how to use them so that he does no cut his little hands, & see that they are not too sharp. I would also try & get a small Xmas tree for old times sake, & think of Daddy when you are decorating it. I would like to think of you also as sitting down to your Xmas dinner with a place set & a chair placed for Daddy, even though he is not there to occupy it = he will certainly be with you in memory. In this letter am enclosing Xmas cards & views of Shoreham & shall send more later, am also sending small picture testaments to Shirlems & Arthur, they are very pretty I think & they will like them. tell them that they are Daddy's Xmas gift to his kiddies. Just at the present time I am firing on the rifle ranges - we began this morning & shall continue all week - On Saturday I am hoping to be able to go up home on 6 day's leave shall only be able to spend a day with Bella & one with Rose. Oh If I am recommended for commission I shall be sent to France for practical training at the Front, that is what they are doing now - they have moved all their training schools to France. Am going to close for to night dear will add to this to morrow "Good-Night" my dear ones God bless my little family - are you keeping warm etc? You might send socks any time - Best love Daddy.

Tuesday 1 P.M. Have just returned from the range after a hard mornings work, cold & tired, found your letter No 5 waiting for me, that leaves No's 4 & 6 to come yet. On Sunday afternoon I addressed a meeting at the Y.M.C.A. & in the evening went to a small Baptist Chapel in Shoreham. You certainly are being kept pretty busy perhaps it is as well but you must not overdo it, you know everything depends on you now dear, may God give you grace & strength for the great task that is yours. Oh have the Broadway people called on you yet? or the Methodists Preacher (Hatwood).? Must mail this now Remember my kindly to the Gunns & any friends you see kiss & hug Billy & Shirley for Daddy & let them give you lots for me with fondest love God bless you all

yours lovingly

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