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Date: March 13th 1916

March 13th 16

Dear Grandad:-

Received your very welcome letter of the 2nd of February on March 6th. The pipe beat the letter to it. I wrote a letter thanking you for the pipe but I thought it would do no harm to acknowledge the letter. I have smoked the pipe steady since I received it and it is a good one.

As to reading matter I am pretty well fixed for the English magazines and papers but would like to get hold of some of the American magazines. Have you any of O. Henry's or Elbert Hubbard's works? I was so sorry when I heard about Elbert going down on the Lusitania as we have stacks of his stories at home. Dad is as crazy on his works. As far as magazines go however, The Literary Digest, Judge, American Magazine and Saturday Evening Post. I am also very fond of David Grayson's Adventures in the Continent, The Friendly Road, etc. I have always been a great reader and it has been my only recreation since coming to France.

Well we have had pretty mean weather for the last two or three weeks till yesterday. We have had quite a lot of snow which kept our feet wet all the time but still that was nothing as we have a pretty decent attic to sleep in with a stove and three blankets per man. We start for the forest at 8 a.m. and quit at 4 p.m.

I saw Syd about three weeks ago and he was looking good but some of the boys looked pretty well done up.

Well it will soon be time for roll call so goodnight. Give my love to Aunt Ethel and let me know how Arthur is and his address.

