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Date: November 14th 1939


November 14, 1939

Dear Mother:

How's the girl? Hope you are felling fine and not playing too much bridge.

The papers tell me that this year's crop will be the third largest since Canada;s birth, so a good year should follow.

I am still doing a great amount of operational flying, and I am keeping on the top line - feel very fit.

It's about time for the family round of colds again, I suppose. By the way, how is Ronny keeping?

Dad should be rubbing his hands with glee over this year's crop. I hope you can have another good holiday next year, or perhaps lay aside some money for the terrific conditions which will no doubt follow this war (I hope not.)

How were the sun flowers this summer? The garden still supplies a never ending amount of radishes, onions, etc. to grace the table - we hope. Oh for some fresh milk and real home-cooked meals!

The mail situation is still bad, my last letter from home having been written on August 28.

The picture "Three Smart Girls Grow UP" is on and I hope to see it in the near future. Do you still go to the pictures often? Any rivals to the Kinema?

We have to wear uniform ashore during war time, and it is an awful sweat. Perhaps because one has to behave in King's uniform!

Summer tropical rig consists of khaki and Sam Browne, but we wear blue in the evening with gold stripes.

The period for war time flying training has been cut down now, so I am glad that I had a good training.

My three years' service flying should do me in good stead, I hope, but I am not saying anything.

Commissions are only given for the duration of the war now to newcomers, and I believe they join as sergeants and are given commissions on aptitude only.



P.S. Write often.
