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Date: November 14th 1915


Nov 14th 15

Dear Mother,

Received a letter from you during the week, also one from Dad the same day, which I am forwarding. As you will see Dad is bettering himself and at the same time writing longer letters. I answered his letter and forwarded yours to him.

Well Sunday has rooled around once more. We worked till noon and got paid out this afternoon, our modest 15 francs every two weeks which is soon gone.

The weather is still keeping about the same. The ground was pretty well frozen this morning and it looks like another good day tomorrow. We have all had rainproof capes issued so we don't mind the rain very much. We have all kinds of clothes so I don't think we will suffer much except for gloves.

Well dear mother there is no news so I might as well close up with love to all.

