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Date: January 27th 1918

Man. Reg. Depot

Shorncliffe, Kent

Jan 27th 18

Dear Mother,

I got your letter today dated Dec 28th. I am sorry you did not get a letter from me at Christmas. I could not realize that it was so close to the festive season.

I have just been for a long walk around the hills. It was a lovely day, just like spring, and made me think of Canada.

I went to a soldier's service in the evening but came home early as it looked as if we should have an air raid, being so moonlight. We have not had one for about five weeks. Our own airmen are after him pretty strong so he needs all his planes for home defence.

So Percy has got an office job now. Well he had kept after one long enough. I hope things will be a little better for him and Lizzie.

I am glad Bessie passed her exam alright. It is a comfort to know there are some brains in the family. How is Philip getting along and what is he going in for in the way of a trade or profession?

I expect Syd will soon be in convalescence but I don't think he will ever see the trenches again.

Well dear give my love to the kids and take ac little yourself.

