Feb. 11 - 45
Darling Honeykins:
Imagine that. Here I am back in the South latitudes again - North Carolina.
We had some delay in taking off this a.m. because we couldn't find the staff navigator. We finally got him out to the station and in the meantime I had done the nav. Preparations. After we got aboard I just realized that I didn't load my kit bag (a close one) & I had to beat it out of the plane to get it.
When I dragged myself back out to the plane we found that Sgt. Burrows (the AG I phoned you about) was not present.
A few more minutes wait for him and then we were ready. Scotty had to sue every last foot of the runway to get off the ground. He tried to ease it off but when the end of the runway got too close for health he hauled the stick back and we leaded into the air. It was nose heave Scott said. Our [?] but I hated to tell you that we had to leave this morning. I hated to leave. I was so thankful for hat extra day tho, I know you care too - we ain't kidding. Goo? [?] Love you so darling.
We flew over cloud for half an hour or so out from Dorval and then things broke clear for the rest of the time.
The other crews loaded here also since we couldn't make Bermuda before nightfall. We were put up for the night and expect to get off early in the morning.
I enjoy stop overs like this it makes the trip more interesting. Sgt. Burrows is my roommate here and at the moment he is writing too.
We were out to a show a few minutes ago and we saw part of another one before that at the USO. The town is fairly small and being Sunday is was like St. John except for the shows being open.
Poor Burrows had to wire his girlfriend's train that she was to turn back to Toronto. Perhaps she came thru to [?] but you can tell me about it if she did. He'd like to know too.