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Date: September 7th 1917

Sept. 7, 1917 Witley Camp Dear Leo, Just a line tonight to let you know that I'm getting along fine and hope you are the same. Although you see Witley at the head of this we are not really there but at Mytchett Ranges about fourteen miles from camp. We came out here Tuesday and will not return to camp until next Wednesday, as we leave here Monday next to join the Brigade on a three days scheme. Yesterday and today we've been shooting at the ranges and the same tomorrow. We have very comfortable quarters here even more so than in camp itself, as this is an old camp and the huts, bathrooms, mess rooms etc. are more commodious and substantial. I had a letter from Mama today, enclosing another from Papa. The hay had just been finished when they were written and they more than praised you up for the fine help you gave them this summer all through. And in Mama's letter she spoke of you going to Montague races that day on a well earned vacation to Little Pond and vicinity. I do hope you had a good time, as I'm sure you would. Just to think it is your first trip down there in seven, or is it eight years. Well Leo I suppose by the time this reaches you, or even now you are back to teaching once more. I will address this to Q.S.S. at any rate as I don't know if you will be at St. Dunstan's this year or not. Are you going back there? I suppose it means a lot more work and not much play, but you are really putting two years in one and that means an awful lot. Now I think I had better bring this scrawl to a close. Write as often as you get a chance because I'm always delighted to receive your letters. Your loving Brother, Victor

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