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Date: March 20th 1919
Rosena & All

March 20/19.

Dear Rosena & All.

Here I am on my way back to unit after a dandy 14 days in Blighty. (Pen is dry) I was in England Ireland Scotland and Wales. Add France Belgium and Germany to that and I have see some places. Nothing like seeing all there is to see when one can but I will tell you about this leave in order of things.

I left my unit near Namur on March 4th and arrived in London via Calais-Folkstone at noon on the 6th from which date my pass started. I was cleaned up by 2 and strolled around the Strand until evening when I went to a good show. Sat I met a friend of Ross and saw another couple shows and in general had a pleasant day. Sat I did a lot of little things and ended by catching the 820 train for Holyhead, Wales from where I caught a boat for Dublin. I managed to get a first class berth so had a few hours sleep. Arriving in Dublin early Sunday morning all I could do was look around the town and go for a drive in one of the talked about “Johnny Carts”. Monday morning I intended to go South and visit the Kilareny lakes but the weather was not favorable for that so I went to Belfast which is quite a modern city I had the pleasure of going ‘thro’ a great spinning Mill and a Weaving Mill starting from the Flax and finishing up with fine Linen table cloths. It was very interesting. In the evening four of us went to the owners home for tea and spent the evening. We also took a days trip up to the “Giants Causeway,” in the north. And as we struck a fine clear sunny day it was a real treat as we went part way by motor cars.

Thursday night saw us on our way to Glasgow via Androssan. We had supper on board, a good sleep, breakfast and caught the 7.30 train for Glasgow & altho we were in Androssan by 4.30 we slept until 6.30. I had 2 dandy days in Glasgow and saw the largest airship in the world on her trial flight (the R3). I like that places the best of any town I have struck yet. Saturday midnight saw me headed for London, arriving Sunday morning. I went out to one of the suburbs to some friends place and stayed until Monday morning, getting in to town to meet a bunch of Toronto boys and have a big dinner together. As this was St Patricks day there were many parties and the bunch of us went to one and had a great time getting home in time to get up again and catch a train for Birmingham (always on the Jump). We went to a fellows relatives there and had a quiet evening and a good sleep, for once.

We landed back in London Wed noon and I met Ross’s friend so saw some more shows. I landed up at the club about 11 PM, decided as my leave was up I would return on the morrow because my money was about finished, which I might say is the only reason I am returning on time. I left London 8.45 this morning for Folkstone and walked off the train to boat. Altho’ it was a rough trip I did not get sick as I did going across. And now I am in Calais in a big rest camp expecting to start for my unit in morning. I think April we see us back in England and May or June anyway, on our way to “CANADA.” Anyway,

Heres Hoping
Love to all

P.S. We will get another leave when in England. Great line of thought what?

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