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Date: September 25th 1941

(Can) R74906 Sgt Pilot Davey J.V. #53 OT.U, R.A.F. Overseas. Sept 25/41 Dear Mom, Dad & Art: Well I sure did get a surprise today when I opened Uncle Harrys' letter & saw Dads handwriting the first I've had from Canada except for the one I got today from Con. It was sent Air Mail to Base P.O. on Aug 30th so it didn't take very long to get here. I haven't had any others yet altho' there should be some in from Halifax someday soon I imagine & hope. It seems that if you addressed yours to Uncle Harry I would receive them quicker as I can let them know my whereabouts within a couple of days after being posted. I had a letter from Aunt Kitty today also, am getting mail nearly every day so am not doing too badly. I am pleased to hear you are getting on famously Mom and sure hope you & Dad have had a nice holiday. That's too bad about you're trip down to the Drs' and have him not there you'll have to bawl him out & have a cut on the bills for that. but I am glad every thing is progressing favourably keep it up Mom. Well there's not a great deal of newes except I have got about two hours in 'Spits' now. I soloed first last Sat & we hadn't flown from then up till today, but we sure had a lovely day for flying quite a nice lot of scattered clouds which are my favourite pastime - diving & zooming around them & having a 'Spits' under you really makes one feel good. One of our fellows went thro' the hedge today & knocked himself out, but I think he is OK now altho' they put him in hospital. I nearly repeated it but managed to get on the grass & skid it to a stop, they sure roll after you get on the run way so we have to get down within a marker if not we just shove it around again. Also another fellow with us who is from Victoria, he used to work in Pemberton's around 1938, well he hit the deck on his solo today, it sort of gets you but he wouldn't know any thing about it. Nobody seems to know what happened its hard to say, may be something happened & caught him unawares, I believe he was a fairly good flyer by what the fellows say who were with him in Canada, its really a heck of a note to have things like that happen but they just seem to & nothing can be done about it. I didn't know him very well, he had a very peculiar manner in the way he acted, but was a darned good fellow when you got to know him, he didn't seem to associate like most fellows. George Parker was his name & I believe his home is on Hampshire Rd. somewhere Well I had better quit the morbid writing & get on another subject. Don Gordon came here about 3 days after I did its really nice having him here, its too bad Miles didn't come too. he has gone to a Hurricane school our rivals so they say. We three have been together since Vancur. remember my story of the boat trip same fellows. I was wondering whether my trunk would come, there's nothing of value in it, a lot of old letters an empty wallet & a pair of rubbers I think & that takes care of all the junk in there, I'll have a curiosity examinations on it when I get back. I'll have to write to Don & Mae, haven't got around to it yet but will have to work on it. Well folks I'm sorry this is short but there isn't a dickens of a lot I can talk about. I think I have mentioned before about not being able to get leave yet but will have some in a few weeks. I have only been writing to the relations and haven't written anyone else yet as it seems rather foolish at the present but will do when I have something definite on. but I think the relations are going to take up most of my leave, but don't worry Mom I'll let them know I'm here soon. Bye the way could you get George Stocks address & also Ted Hamiltons if possible I think Frank Dunn will know Teds. Now Thanks for the B.C. House tip, I was going to register there any way but its nice to know. of the other matter & Mr McAdam being a Victorian. Did you receive any cable sent on the 20th Dad. Now good day & cheerio till next time, say hello to Art, but I can imagine the 'air mail' business, so he'll read it. & thanks for the clippings. I guess Dick Higgin will be in the next grad. class from Calgary. Well lots of love I'll close. Your loving son, Jack

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