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Samuel McNeil, July, 1915, front.
Samuel McNeil, July, 1915, front.
July 1915, back.

Dear Mr. and Mrs Smith	
Vernon is some kind of town, 
but it sure is hot for training 
the way they work us up
here. I hope you are getting 
rich on your business, but I
guess you will go bankrupt
pretty soon. I miss the rides 
on the bikes something fierce 
but I guess I will get over it. 
Hoping all are well.
                                                                       I remain your friend.
July 1915, back. Dear Mr. and Mrs Smith Vernon is some kind of town, but it sure is hot for...
3rd Overseas Draft, 47th Batt. C.E.F. Vernon, BC, 1915, front.
3rd Overseas Draft, 47th Batt. C.E.F. Vernon, BC, 1915, front.
Vernon BC, back.

Pvt. SGMcNeil
32rd O.S. Draft
47th Battalion
Sept. 4th Vernon                                                   

Mr. F. Smith
1615 3rd Ave. W.
Vancouver, B.C.

Dear Friend Fred,
Just a few lines to let you 
know that I am still alive.
There is a big difference between
here and Van. But I think Van.
is the best. Well, Fred, I am 
going across the pond on the 13th of
this month, and I am glad of 
it, because I am tired of...
Vernon BC, back. Pvt. SGMcNeil 32rd O.S. Draft 47th Battalion Vernon B.C. Sept. 4th Vernon B.C....