Lawrence Earl Johns' Wallet
Lawrence Earl Johns' Wallet (inside)
German Envelope addressed to Edith Johns
Lawrence Earl Johns Commemoration
Jones Family Record
Memorial Page Containing Lawrence Earl Johns
Field Diary (page 1)
Field Diary (back side)
Diary of German Soldier (front)
Attestation Paper (page 1)
Diary of German Soldier (inside 1)
Attestation Paper (page 2)
Diary of German Soldier (inside 2)
Beehive Cemetary Map (page 1)
L.E. Johns ID Tags
Clarence Finkle Jones Commemoration
Beehive Cemetary Map (page 2)
Medal Awarded Posthumously to Lawrence Earl Johns (back)
Death Report for Lawrence Earl Johns
Medal Awarded Posthumously to Lawrence Earl Johns (front)
Field Diary (cover)
Lawrence Earl Johns Military Police Armband
Envelope addressed to Mrs. Henry Johns (front)
Envelope addressed to Mrs. Henry Johns (front)
Lawrence Earl Johns' Will
Envelope addressed to Mrs. Henry Johns (front)
Envelope addressed to Mrs. Henry Johns (front)
Department of Militia and Defence's Death Report for Lawrence Earl Johns