Rock Ferry
April 26/
Goodmorning Irish, I received a swell big parcel from you the other...
Rock Ferry
May 1
Dear Mother, just a line, this is a swell day. I may be moved to Epsom...
May 1
Hello Irish, I may go to Epsom Hospital this week but not sure yet, this is a swell...
May 29/17
Dear Irish, this is where I was yesterday, had a great time, out on a sailboat also...
Eastbourne June 6/
Dear Edith,
This is a beautiful place, I couldn't have been sent to a nicer...
Eastbourne June 6
Dear Mother, here I am in my new home. This is some swell place, came here on...
Dublin June 18
Hello Kit, here I am down town in a Soldiers Club, going to get my shots taken...
Dublin June 18
Dear Mother, here I am in Ould Ireland, some change here since my last visit the...
June 26
Dear Mother, here I am in my new home, just got back from my 10 day leave,...
Hastings June 26
Hello Kit, just around in my new home [?]
Love, Norm
Hastings June 26
Dear Edith,
Still another move, oh this is a great life I am some traveler now...
Seaford July 9
Dear Mother, here I am in the camp YMCA along with two old Malkin boys. We...
Sept 17
Hello Kit,
Just a line - I was out here yesterday, the [?] I am in where King...
Sept. 17
Dear Mother, I was out here yesterday also this is where King Alfred burnt the cakes,...
15 - 10 - 17
Hello Kit, just a line to let you know I received another letter from you...
19 - 10 - 17
Hello Kit, moved over the ninth camp this morning, lots of work for us. I...
23 - 10 - 17
Hello Dear Old Captain!
Just a line Kit - had another letter from you to-...
27 - 10 - 17
Hello people, this is some place, just had a big supper and feel jake....
27 - 10 - 17
Hello people, this is some place, just had a big supper and feel jake....
Oct 31 /17
Hello People,
Just a line, hadn't time to write a letter to-day. Had a card from...
Nov 4/17
Hello Mother, just a line, this is a bright Sunday morning, am going to walk to...
London March 5th 1918
Blighty -
Kyle Clarke
Howard Godfrey
Norman Ewart
Hello May, received your letter o.k., this is another view of Torquay. We won...
Seaford July 18
Hello Irish, how do you like this one? I'm in the YMCA right now waiting for a...