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Date: June 15th 1917
Mother – (Mary Davis)
Worth Davis

Letter No. 5.
Eastbourne 15/6/17.

Dear Mother,

Well again we have a big mail in, running pretty well up to May 31st. Two from you & one from Nert & Dad also Order 2746-25/5/17.

There is a good deal of excitement to-night, as the order we have been expecting has come thro, and we are to be relieved here by the 20th. That is all the staff of the “A” class. We don’t know where we will go nor any particulars. The Col. is simply furious, and I believe is trying to get the order cancelled. I will cable as soon as I change my address, so if you don’t get a cable before this letter, you will know I am still here. I am sorry of course in a way, to leave here too, but would much rather go now than later, when the weather is bad. To make it worse, I have just got settled in a really good job, have been attached to the quarter Master’s Dept. as a clerk. Things are in a most awful ball up, and I guess they decided to get some one with a little business experience to help them out. They started me on the stewards books first, and they are sure some contract, but not more than I can handle and will be easy when I get them in shape. Apparently I will be used as assistant to three sergeants, if I stay here. Of course, they will have to give every man a thorough exam & classify us, I am “A” from Moore Barracks, but they will likely go over us again & may change that.

(Please tell Nert, to send diary pages at once, I am nearly out and forgot.)

Mir. sure makes good marks on her exams. Hope she comes out all right with Chemistry.

Yes, you told me that Leonard’s brother was dead & that Leonard was with him. What is Leonard doing & what is his rank?

A good many officers will likely return now, as I understand that no more officers will be sent from England but men now over, will be promoted. I also hear that no more officers will be made in Canada, so likely they will return from Eng. any they need to train conscripts. Aren’t you glad I came when I did? I sure would hate to be a conscript.

The “orders” I spoke of sending, are typed sheets of foolscap size paper, bearing the “orders of the day.” I have sent several, & wanted them kept.

I wrote you April 8th and 19th, which you should have received in May, three times in May & this is the second this month, you will likely get all. Altho there may be some delay. I also hear from and write Floss quite regularly, about once a week, anyway.

I think chocolate & [?] are very good for me, I just crave sweet stuff, and eat a great deal. I have had several tests & it is not in me to excess. They say that when I crave sweet stuff, it is good to eat it, being good food value, and in my case easily digested. It may be of course, because we get so little sugar in our food, I eat a good deal of chocolate anyway.

A raid here will not surprise any of us, because I think they are trying to kill summer business in the good towns. They surely have the raiding down to a science, and it is pretty hard to cope with day light raids by planes, but they will find some means likely a big Zep. stunt will be pulled off soon too.

I am very sorry about Carrie Bernard and surely hope she has a speedy recovery.

Don’t count on any finish of the war inside of twelve months. I don’t think it possible, unless from internal trouble & hardly think that likely.

That Sarnia chap, has quite recovered, and is really convalescing here as he is a friend of the Matron. He will likely return in a month or two.

None of our men are seriously wounded, unless local emergency cases. We get no convoys direct from France & the stretcher cases that return to Canada, are the hopeless or next to hopeless cases, paralyzed, etc.

Your affectionate son,


Wed 10.30 P.M.

Miriam dear – Nerta will write you to-morrow – I have just written Worth & it is too late to write you to night - & you will see Auntie Gert to morrow Dad sent you [?] this day I will answer letter Sunday Hope I am are feeling more rested by this – in a hurry


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