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Date: March 19th 1944
Audrey Addison – (friend)
Bill Curtis

B.R. Curtis A/B V69246
L.C.I. (L) 285
% G.P.O. London, Eng.
March 19/44.

My Dearest Audrey:-

Hi there duck, I figured I may as well spend an evening trying to write this kind of a letter for a change. Some change eh Kid? Don’t exactly know what the heck to talk about so if I just ramble on like this, just kinda over look it. I haven’t done much since I last wrote you on Friday. Went into town yesterday to try and get my zipper sewn on my [tiddly?] but it was no go cause every place I went to said they had no labour to do it; this went on for an hour or so and me getting more fed up all the time, well the last tailor I went to said if I came back on Monday, to-morrow, he would do it, so all I have to do now is get an excuse or permission to go and have it done. Too bad you aren’t here or me over home and then by golly I know who would sew it on. I think you need the practice anyways, and don’t say you don’t because I know you do. After that little route march all over town I went to a show to rest my barking dogs. I saw Charles Boyer and Marlene (however it is spelt) Dietrich in “Garden of Allah” and was it ever corny. I left before it was half finished. The other show that was on with it was darn good, “Dangerous Blondes,” forget who played in it but they were darn good who ever they were. After the show I came back to the ship and had some toasted cheese sandwiches, cocoa and some short bread your mother made. Boy was it ever good, if I have anytime to spare after I finish writing letters to night, I’m a headin for the galley again. Oh yes I also had some creme tomato soup too. It was those two small tins of Heinz Baby food. Are you sure that it what you wanted to send? It sure was good tho duck, best I’ve had since I’ve been here. I am saving the other two tins so Jim and I can have a real good dinner some time. When I showed Jim the “Western Book” book he darn near went goofy; he rawther Balmy as you already know, so you can imagine how he acted. He sends his many thanks for sending it darling. I’ll be able to get cracking on the crosswords now that we can use our generators again; we have been using a lantern for the past two or three days so we haven’t been doing any amount of reading or writing.

Here is the picture I had taken last week, not much of a photo and a little small for a dart board but you should be pretty good at it by now from all the practice on the other picture. I wasn’t going to shave my beard off but decided I had better do so, just in case. If you notice closely to the right side of my “haid” you will see that I am getting a little short of hair on that side. Guess I must be worrying too much which is something I never did much of. I’m not quite as thin as I used to be either; up to 154 lbs. now which is quite a bit more than when I left Scotland. Jim said he is going to have some pictures done of himself, if so, I’ll try and get him to send one to you.

Well darling this isn’t much of a letter to send to you, wish it could be lots larger but it is the best I can do just now. Give my love to your Mom and Dad, “Maggie” and Brenda. Say hello to Lorna and Burnie and the gang on the island. “Cheerio” darling. I miss you and love you more than ever. Will write again real soon.

All my Love Millions of Kisses
Xxx Bill xxxx

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