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Date: August 9th 1942
Mildred & John Flynn - (sister & brother-in-law)
Lawrence Drewry

P/O L.J. Drewry
J8629 R.C.A.F.
Base Post office
Aug 9/42.

Dear Mildred and John:–

A few more lines sis to let you know things are O.K. I’m ever so pleased your happy and enjoying married life and as you know I’m pulling for you two anytime I have a chance so if I can ever help out in any way I’m only too pleased.

You can imagine my surprise Mildred when Red Welland walked in on me today. He is on the same course as me and has just come out of hospital after an operation for attack of appendicitis He looks asolutely a ghost but a few days in the sunshine may fix him up. He mentioned a good many of our boys who are gone that I hadn’t heard about and also told me some bits of news about others He was on leave for some time and then met a girl over here and became engaged, however for some reason he had broken it off. I heard at one time that he was married but he wasn’t as I asked him and of course as I’d thought it was a mistake. If anyone asks you what to send its most useful to get tins of fruit or fruit juice and cheese (Kraft), chewing gum and nuts raisins etc. of course plain chocolate but not too sweet as we get no sugar in our rhubarb and it’s worse if you’ve had sweet candy. However I expect to go East so if I do canned stuff is about all that will keep, or it may be we will not be short of anything. I’ll soon be getting a raise of pay, any how at least in a couple of months so that when changed to rupees, annas etc. will give me quite a trunkful. My gunnery is improving and I hope to get a good bit more practice while here though I don’t know if I can manage it.

I haven’t heard from Ted since he left except a letter saying he was busy just after arriving at his posting. Cunningham and Ogilvie Greer and myself and Jack Hughes are all here. Of course I realize you don’t know them or even recall some of their names but I have seen a good deal of most of them, and while I don’t claim they are all all that I desire in friends, still I am at home as far as knowing them goes and during working hours am quite at home with them. In off time they are a bit wild for my tastes. I had a parcel from Zella Strathdee a box of chocolates yesterday and she didn’t put a note in so guess I’ll have to write and thank her. Your brides cake is all gone needless to say and it was delicious. So far I’ve only missed a couple of letters from Mary and mum and they I hope will turn up yet. Your letter of July 7th arrived yesterday with two from home one written on the same day so I did quite well. I also had one from Mary Garman, Mr. Hurson, (president of the Badminton Club I played for in Montreal), and one from Sheena Rose a girl in Scotland whose adress I was given by Mackintosh’s of St. Marys. Ther’s no more I can think of Sis so I’ll say bye bye for this time. All my love and best wishes to you and John.

As ever – Your twin

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