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Date: August 4th 1940
Mother & Dad - (Wilhelmina & John Gray)
John (Jack) Gray

[Note about the word “Watch!” written on the envelope: The letter originally enclosed in this envelope (envelope postmark of “Aug 5, 1940”) was at some point switched with a different letter dated October 9, 1941. The “Watch!” annotation is a reference to the content of this later letter of October 1941, and not to what is presumed to be the envelope’s original content, the letter here below.]

Gray, J.B. R58225
“C” Flight No. 1 I.T.S. RCA.F.
1107 Ave. Rd. Tor.
August. 4, 1940

Dearest Mother and Dad,

Just have time to drop you a short note on Sunday afternoon – I have already spent most of it writing letters which have been waiting for some time. I got one away to Phyllis, George, Joan and Audrey and now one to you so I figure I have done pretty well so far.

Received a wire from Hampton today telling me he will be in here tomorrow (Monday) morning and will phone me. I hope he is planning on spending the day here as I may be able to get special permission to get out for the night. You see the quarantine will not be lifted until midnight Monday. I have hopes, though, that they will let me out a little early as there have been no new cases reported.

I am feeling fine now except for a bit of a sore throat and also inflammation of the eyes (very slight). The M.O. takes very good care of you however.

On Friday I had another complete Medical Examination which I passed just the same as the ones in Vancouver. Learned I had a vital lung capacity of 6400 c.c. which is quite high – the breath holding was about the same.

We had a Math exam the other day and if I didn’t get over 90 I’ll quit as I found it quite easy after a little studying to refresh the memory. On Sat. we had an Armaments exam dealing with gas and the pistol in which I didn’t do as well as the Math but wasn’t bad anyway.

Just have returned from a fine supper of fresh, crisp lettuce and potato salad. The food gets better every day it seems to me but I would still like some of yours, Mother.

Now for a few answers. The hospital is a regular military hospital but was very comfortable. I don’t see Clyde Kennedy any more as he is still at the Manning Pool and will probably be sent to Regina soon. I see Grant Tisdale about every day. Glad George has been in often – that is nice of him. Nelson is in occasionally too I guess. He wrote me a fine letter and I enjoyed it immensely. I guess Bob hasn’t very much time really to go in but he will. I guess Nelson really likes the new car as he was telling me before I left how much he would like one. Too bad about Claire but I guess these things happen. Why does Dad and you always get the dirty work to do in their case? Have they found the body yet? ’Phoned the Ferguson’s but phone has been removed. ’Phoned [Hepprmans?] also but he is up north. They invited me out for supper sometime. They know a Mr. Roden or something (silverman) who knows you, Dad. Hope business gets better every day. Does Bill [Dunwoody?] still drop in everyday – give him my regards. Tell Nelson I will write him one of these days. Must close – no paper. Write soon.


[postscript added at top of first page] P.S. I got a pair of socks yesterday from Joan and they are alright. Love to all. Mrs Boomer – thanks for the letter – will write soon. Love Jack.

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