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Date: August 1917

[transcription provided by collection donor]

Aug 2, 1917
On my way to Blighty for ten days leave. Relieved by Capt. S. Mills. Caught 11 am train at Noeux-les-Mines, changed at Bethune & reached Boulogne at 10 pm. Went up to No. 2 Can. Stat Hosp. & saw Miss Blackadder & Joe Middleton. I gave the former several shells.

Aug 3, 1917
Caught 9am leave boat to Folkstone & on up to Victoria Station, London. On the way I chummed up with two English Artillery officers, Capt. Maris & Capt. Robinson. Walked along Regent St. to do some shopping but the girls, they dazzled me. We had a great time: tea at Piccadilly, supper at Scott’s & another at Romanos. Then went to the Gaiety where we saw Theadore & Co. Later visited Maxine’s & two nightclubs.

Aug 4, 1917
Went to Bearwood & had a quiet time for two days. Saw Major Wodehouse & his wife, Capt. McDermid, Lewis, Lough, Lemineux, Houghton, Wilson of Winnipeg & Paul.

Aug 6, 1917
Back in London drinking cocktails at the Savoy & meeting a large number of boys & girls. Took the 11:30 pm Scotch flyer to Glasgow.

Aug 7, 1917
Arrived in Glasgow 9 am & sauntered around the town to 10:30am & then caught the train to Balloch & took a boat through Loch Lomond to Inversnaid. On the way I met two Australian officers: Lft. J.B. Sawers was one of them. They were fine chaps & we had a good time. Also met the Tracy sisters of Winnipeg from Moore Bks Hospital. Returned to Glasgow & took the train to Edinburgh were I arrived at 11:15pm. Put up at the Caledonia Hotel.

Aug 8, 1917
Met Sisters Urquehart & Knight on leave from France. Visited Edinburgh Castle, Art Gallery & the Forth Bridge. Again met Lft. J.B. Sawers & late in the afternoon met Clem McAlpine & her sister. We took them out for tea, then supper & a show. They were very pleasant girls & Clem has won my heart if I have such a thing to lose.

Aug 9, 1917
Went to York & then to Harrogate.

Aug 10, 1917
Saw Harrogate – a very pretty place. Visited my Aunt Louise (Mrs. David Hield) who I had never seen before. She gave me a warm reception & made me promise to spend my next leave with her. Her son, Ken, is fourteen (one of three) & very English. He did his best to try to entertain me. Later returned to York & went on to London where I arrived at 11:30 pm.

Aug 11 & 12, 1917
Enjoyed London, morning, noon & night.

Aug 13, 1917
Returned to Boulogne – leave is over. Took Miss Blackadder & Middleton out to supper.

Aug 14, 1917
Entrained 4:00am; pulled out at 5:00am & reached Bethune 10:15am. Back to camp at 2:15. Reported for duty. Met Capt. Kruger with 3rd C.D.A.C.

Aug 16, 1917
Trans to 9th Can. Field Amb. at Auchel & here met Capt. Blackett. We are in rest.

Aug 18, 1917
Route march in the morning through Marles-les-Mines, Lozinghem, Allouagne to Burbure back through Rambert and to Auchel in time for lunch – 15 mile tramp. In the afternoon I rode with Major McKillop to Bethune & back a distance of 20 miles. We got wet through.

Aug 19, 1917
Had charge of ambulance escort to 7th Brigade viz. H.C.R. P.P.C.L.I., 42nd & 49th Batt. up to the front. It was a full day’s job & by the time I got back my hindquarters were blistered & otherwise damaged from the riding. It was a hot day & very dusty.

Aug 20, 1917
We moved to Grand Servins marching all day. Passed through Calonne-Ricouart, Divion, Houdain, Rebreuve-Ranchicourt, Baraffles, D’Olhain, Fresnicourt & into Gd. Servins. Here we met the 12th Can. Field Amb. & I saw George Hall.

Aug 21, 1917
Escort duty ambulance for 43rd Batt. from Petit Servins to Bully, Grenay.

Aug 22, 1917
We moved to Fosse 10 near Pt. Sains passing through Pt. Servins, Bouvigny-Boyeffles & into Fosse 10 where we took over main dressing station from No. 5 Can. Field Amb. Later I was sent on to Bully, Grenay & took over the dressing station here. We are very busy, there is no rest for the weary. Are getting a large number of gas cases. Some of these are blistered frightfully all over the back, armpits & around the scrotum. The eyelids swell up & there is conjunctivitis & congestion of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. The eye symptoms bother them the most. They suffer but don’t complain.

Aug 27, 1917
Moved to Fosse 11 – map location 34.C. M:8:B:2.2: Advanced dressing station. We are in the ruins of an old coal mine sheltered by the twisted & broken iron girders of the building. Around us are the remains of many railroad cars & coal cars. Shells are coming in every five minutes.

Aug 29, 1917
Was visited by the A.D.M.S. Col. Snell. He had been running as he was shelled coming in. Blaney Scott dropped in with Mr. Richardson & in the evening Jack Campbell gave me a call & had a midnight feed with me.

Aug 30, 1917
Col. Ross D.D.M.S. came around. In the afternoon I was relieved by Col. Vaux & reported to the main dressing station at Fosse 10. Was on duty all night dressing the wounded & seeing that the gas cases were properly treated. These gas cases of the mustard variety were treated by washing out the eyes with a solution of Sodium Bicarbonate 1% as well as the nose & mouth. They were given a bath in a 10% solution of Sodium Bicarbonate. Sterilized Castor Oil was put in their eyes & their clothes were taken away. I got a touch of the gas from treating the cases.

Aug 31, 1917
On duty all night. Had a very busy time. Capt. Freeze joined us.