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Date: January 11th 1919
Newspaper Article

 [The awarding of the Military Medal to Capt. Briggs, published in the London Gazette on January 11, 1919 (supplement 31119, page 653)]

Capt. Tillman Alfred Briggs, Can. A.M.C., attd. 116th Bn., Can. Infy., 2nd C. Ont. R.

During an attack he rendered invaluable assistance to the wounded of this and other battalions. He attended to a number of casualties in the jumping-off position in spite of heavy machine-gun and artillery barrage. Most of his dressers became casualties, but he continue to dress the wounded. As soon as he had attended to those he pushed forward across the open and assisted those who had fallen. His services were most valuable, and his work of a very high order. He displayed remarkable coolness and energy under fire.

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