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Date: October 2nd 1944
Eira Williams
Margaret Chesney

H.M.C.S. “Cornwallis”
Cornwallis, N.S.
2 - 10 - 44

Dear Eira ;

I should have written you before this but the time has gone so quickly. Received your letter while I was home. Must confess that I never missed my necklace. Thanks a lot for returning it.

It was sure nice being home and seeing everyone. I enjoyed my day in Regina such a lot. Was awfully sorry that I couldn’t have had you down for the weekend but hope you understood.

The proofs turned out very good. One of Alan was simply grand and of myself fair, taking into consideration there wasn’t as much to work with. I am anxious to see them finished. You will probably eventually get one if they are any good.

Had an awfully nice trip back. Mom made me some chicken sandwiches. Mrs. McQueen brought me the loveliest basket of fruit to the train, and Barney a bag of chocolate bars and some cigs. Did it ever taste good too. Everyone on the car had so much fruit and things I was only in the Diner a couple of times and once on the Boat. We had an hour stop in Wpg. Faye was down to meet me and might also say Hutch was too. “Never say die,” that’s him! The nut is trying to get back around this country. Think I will shoot myself if he ever does! Met a very nice girl on the train who was going to Ottawa to be married. Also met a couple of nice Airmen going home on embarkation. We had a lot of fun, and everyone on the car were sports. The old Porter was a “card” and the conductor a “character” so all told the time passed very quickly. We had about 3 hours in Montreal before our train left for St. John. Our trip across the Bay was swell as it was a perfect morning. When I got to the Base my girl friends were down to meet me to give me all the latest. I found out that Cec had left Halifax the night before for Newfie and was I disappointed. I was sure he would be still in Halifax and was going to ask for another 48 hours and go down and see him. However, I think he will only be gone about 2 months and then come back here for a Chiefs course. Sure hope so anyhow.

A lot happened while I was away. The roads were nearly all paved! No more mud to plow through this fall. Another draft of Wrens went overseas and one of the girls in our cabin went. Oh, yes, something else. A little Wren got married, it was all of a sudden and we all think it must have been a shot-gun wedding. Will we ever be disappointed if it isn’t.

Haven’t done hardly any work since I came back so might just as well still be on leave for all the good I am doing here.

I have lived a very quiet life since coming back and have hardly been out at all except to the Rec. Hall a couple of times. A bunch of us went into the Hostel last weekend, and had a very quiet time but sat around in our civies and made coffee etc. Sat. night went across the road to the Naval Hostel for the dance. Friday night we didn’t go to bed till 4:30 AM. Crazy aren’t we, but got started on a Jig Saw puzzle at mid night and didn’t get it finished till after 3, then made lunch. Saturday we got up at 11 o’clock.

How did you get along when your Mother was away? Hope she had a nice holiday. I was awfully sorry that I missed her.

How’s Faith? I’ll never forget that telephone conversation, you have all my sympathy when she calls you up. It’s Mom and Dad’s Silver Wedding Anniversary on the 22nd. I couldn’t get a thing down here so wrote Vera and suggested that we go to-gether and get something and that she could buy it.

Things at the office have been much more pleasant. The Chief has been so darn nice to me since I came back that I can’t get over it. We haven’t even had one fight!

Well, think I am out of news and it nearly lights out so will sign off for now. Don’t forget to write and give me all the news.

Lots of Love

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