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Date: May 24th 1944
Eira Williams
Margaret Chesney

Cornwallis N.S.

Dear Eira :

I’m starting this to-nite, but know won’t get it finished ‘cause it won’t be long before lights out.

Thanks so much for the lovely parcel which I got in last nights mail. Wilma and I are eating some of the cookies now as we are sitting her in the Foc’s’tle supposed to writing letters but mostly gabbing. Did you make the cookies and short bread with your own little hands? Gee it was all swell. We will make use of the honey for our night snacks, it came at the right time as everyone was out of jam etc for our lunches.

Glad you had a nice holiday, but I guess it was all too short. I’m looking forward to my leave already. We get only 14 days a year instead of 14 every 6 months so it’s a grim situation – hay, am I ever going to cut loose on those 14 days. Honestly tho’ I’m scared to death that I will be drafted. A draft of pay writers and supply went to Nfld the other day. The draft list for writers will be out in a few days so every one is very much on edge. They are also opening up a base at Prince Rupert which the say is even more grim than “Noofy.” Gee, I sure got my fingers crossed ‘cause really would like to stay here for the summer as everything is getting to be super and the country is beautiful. The apple, cherry, etc. blossoms are all out and the country is beautiful. We have been having perfect weather with very little rain and lots of sunshine. We are allowed to wear civies on hikes and picnics ‘till 8 o’clock so have been going on lots of hikes, and its such a treat to get into civies for a while.

I was very sorry to hear of Dr. Stillwells death. Mom sent me the clipping from the paper. I don’t know if Mother was in Regina the day of the funeral, but believe she was the day after his death as she mentioned being with Mrs. Stillwell.

The greatest surprise of all was that Gladys finally landed Lloyd! Didn’t think she had it in her, but must have rather underestimated her!

I’m going down to stores tomorrow to try and buy a new suit. The new ones are really very nice and mine are getting terribly scruffy so hope they have my size. I was going to get one made at tip top in Halifax, but if can get one at stores will be quite satisfied as they are only $15.00.

Al is still at the Coast but expects a couple of weeks leave in 3 weeks time, and I expect then will be drafted to Calgary for a time. Mother is certainly excited about his leave. I certainly wish I could get home at the same time. He surely thought Vancouver pretty nice and seems to be having a good time. Mrs. Hunt, Cliff’s mother, asked him over to Victoria for a weekend so believe it is this weekend that he is planning to go. Lorne has just arrived back in Italy. He receives his mail quite well, but not parcels, he did receive his birthday parcel which was for the 14 of this month but that is the first since Sept. Mom feels sort of badly because she sends one every other week and Vera send them often. Mother always sends his letters on for me to read. In his last letter he was asking Mom and Dad if they could keep my B.F.’s straight as he said every time I wrote it was someone different and it was rather confusing. That part rather amused me ‘cause you know what a quiet life I live down here!

Our new Rec Hall opened Monday night and is really super-duper. On the main deck are lounges, game rooms, places to jiv, and a lovely large Restaurant where they serve most everything. Civilian run it but we poor Wrens have to go down on duty watch nights and wipe off the tables, carry out dirty dishes etc. This comes in about 1 in 12 nights so isn’t too bad, but gee we really work and our hours are from 6:30 till 11, but get paid $1.25, for the night. This will just be till they can either get a new categorie of Wrens for Canteen work or some more civilian gals, we don’t know which. I started to tell you about the Rec Hall, not our misery – below are 12 bowling alleys as nice as you could find in any city and there are also ping pong tables etc. There is, too, a nice canteen where the sell most everything such as cigs bars cokes, soap etc. Up on the top deck is the theatre which will be open soon but are just waiting for the seats. Everyone says it is more on the line of an American Canteen and what pleases us is that no gold braid is allowed.

Well, will have to finish this tomorrow for it is 10:30, and time for all little Wrens to be in bed especially when we have to be up and out for P.T. at 6:45. Grim don’t you think?

Well, here I am again and this time will finish this or die in the attempt.

Do you ever see Myrtle. Gosh I think I owe her a letter. I’m really terrible but all I hope is that people realize that you actually haven’t such a great deal of spare time. We are now on duty one night in four, then when you wear a clean shirt a day there is always tons of washing and ironing, we take turns scrubbing our cabin, and it seems you hardly have a minute and especially when lights are out at 10:30.

We haven’t been getting along at the office so well the last couple of months. The Chief P.O. is surely a miserable person at times, and we have been letting him know exactly how we feel about him. The last while I have learned not to say a word and have got along a bit better, but before I would tell him how unfair and mean he was and once he was even going to “run” me. He has been quite chummy this week and now tells me how efficient I have been and wants me to work in the office with the Commander and himself, but certainly won’t as it will only cause hard feeling with one of the other Wrens who he had working with him, and didn’t get along with so put her back to records. Anyhow there would be too much gold braid coming in and out to suit me, and I am quite content where I am.

I was able to get a new suit yesterday. It is a very good fit except the skirt has to be shortened, so now will have to try and find someone to do it for me. It was a great relief to get it as was ashamed to wear my old uniform to work as it was so scruffy. I also got a new pair of shoes so am all set up for a while.

I am planning on going to Halifax the weekend of the 10th as just have to do some shopping. One thing I have to get is a bathing suit as the pools will be ready.

Had a letter from my little “Hutch” not long ago telling me what a dim view he took of my decision and how he hated Cecil. It sure made me mad so wrote him the most nasty letter I ever wrote or thought I could in all my life so guess that will really fix things for good. Cec is on leave, had a couple of cards and a letter from him yesterday. He certainly never gives up hope but certainly wish he would.

How is dear Faith? She hasn’t hooked some poor Airman yet has she?

Well, think I will close for now as we are going to go down to the Rec building and have a few games. Tomorrow night (Sat. of all nights) I work in the restaurant. I can imagine how stupid I will be never having done anything like that in my life!

Give my regards to your Mom and Dad. Thanks again for the swell parcel.


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