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Date: November 9th 1914
Mother & May

Castlegar B.C.
Monday Nov 9th 1914

My dearest son

We got the picture postcard to-day and are so pleased to have it. Both Daddy and I are proud to think of you passing your exams so well. Are you going to get a chance to have you teeth filled before you leave Victoria? And now I come to the important part. Why are you leaving? and why are you going all the way to Montreal? It is so much further away than Victoria. I had hope you would be in Victoria all winter, a comparatively short distance away so I am very disappointed that you are to be so much farther off, but if it is a move likely to bring you honor and so on I am proud to have you go.

Auntie "Nellie" – "Helen Brown Clark" has some relations in Montreal, "Thompson" by name, grain merchants very well to do. If you stay long in Montreal we shall try and give you a letter of introduction to them. Mother also has a brother in the same city. I think he lives at 81 Champlain St. but I don't know whether you would care to him poor man he is one of those fellows who are continually drinking too much and I don't think he is a very good living man so you can please yourself about going to see him.

I hope you will get the big letter Daddy posted to you on Saturday. Annie, Gwen, Daddy and I all wrote and I think you will get all the news in it. May was not at home or she would have written. She is going to Mrs. Laurie's house for a few days and will write you from there. I had a lovely letter from Mrs. Wallace to-day. They all seem so well and prosperous. Joe Keys has a motor car and fowl suppers seem to be the order of the day. We had a card from Seth to-day. Mrs. Wallace in her letter was hoping Arthur had not been called yet. Her sister Sara's son has joined but has not been called yet. Well dear the children have just come in from school so there is not much chance of writing more. Oh I forgot to tell you we got your letter written on board the boat bound for Victoria and were very much interested to know that you were going to have dinner that day. So you are at "Work point" eh! that wouldn't be a bad name for our ranch now, would it. I am sorry you are so short of funds but I have not a cent to offer at present. We are all well except Daddy who has a very bad cold. And now good bye. God bless you dear boy. Don't forget to be on the lookout for faces you know at Pense Belle Plaine, Moose Jaw, & Regina. We all send dearest love and remember dear my heart goes with you everywhere. God bless you once more.

Ever your loving mother
Lilian E. Killough

[writer changes to May]
Dear Arthur:

Just a note in Mothers letter to show you that I am thinking of you. I am just waiting for Percy to come to take me over to Mrs. Bertrams so if I stop short you will know he has arrived.

So you are going to Montreal, Arthur? You will be beginning to feel like quite a "travelled gentleman" by the time you reach the eastern provinces, won't you? Say I wish I was with you. I'll bet you if I was a boy I would be along.

Well, Percy has come so must bring my lengthy epistle to a close. He is going with the cavalry, did you know? (that is, if he passes exams.) We are feeling pretty proud of the way you passed yours.

Dad is writing a letter to Colonel McKay and is going to write to Colonel Otter in reference to you. Please let us know your plans as soon as possible and be sure and keep your eyes open in Calgary for the Roystons.

Dad says ask Mr. Foster if he saw Dads photo in the "Queens Own" in Toronto.

Well now, bye-bye, with lots of love. Will write more later.

Your loving sister,

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