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Date: April 23rd 1917
Dearest (Molly)

No. 11 Sqdn, R.F.C.
B.E.F. France


I did another five hours over the Bosche lines to-day and took part in a fine scrap. We brought down three of them and I think they got one of our scout machines. It was quite a big scrap. There must have been 25 machines in it. We got back with nothing more than a few harmless bullet holes through our wings. I think, Molly Bawn, and I say it in all seriousness- that your prayers for my safety really mean something for I have been face to face with death so many times without getting so much as a scratch. There is something in the Bible "The prayer of a good man availeth much" And you are a good girl if there is one in the world. Every day before every flight I think of you and in fact I think all the time you are in my mind, and I go up full of confidence knowing that I am in God's keeping and that all will be well. Thank you, my dear little wife, for your constant thoughts for me but particularly for your prayers, they help a lot, Little One.

There is a fellow named Bishop in No. 60 Sqdn. near here who has brought down 12 Hun machines and 4 balloons in his little single seater scout. He is a fine boy and I have seen a good deal of him lately. He got the M.C. the other day and I expert before long he will get the D.S.C. if he keeps on like this. I used to go to dances in Owen Sound a long time ago and we have lots of mutual friends.

I am glad you wrote home and that you started your letter "My Dear People" They will appreciate it, Dear, very much, for they do want to take you right in and make you one of themselves.

Must close now, Dearest, as I am ’most too sleepy to keep my eyes open.

Yours with all the love of my heart, and looking forward with longing to "leave" and you.

Always your own loving

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