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Date: July 15th 1942

No1.C.A.R.U. RCA

Sen. Ren. Unit

C.A.O. July 15. 42

Dearest Helen

Well how is my love. I hope you are fine. I am, I wrote you a letter a little while ago. in fact I think it was Sun. I think I will be going from here soon, but I am not shore of it yet. Don’t ask where because you know the Army. They don’t say. How is our little one coming along I shore hope O.K. and that you are feeling a lot better now. I shore wish they would get at it over here and get this war over with don’t you. If they keep fooling along like they have been we never will see the end of it. Gosh I have so many letters I should write but it seems like I just got to write you or I don’t feel right. are you that way if you are I hope you don’t neglect your friend as bad as I do. I must write the kids some time soon or they will be getting mad at me and won’t write and I shore don’t wan’t that to happen.  I should see if I can get in touch with the Bagg boys an d a lot of others I know. Gosh thanks again for the parcel and thank mother for hers in case she don’t get my letter. I realy appriciat your cards and I am going to take em where ever I go. You know kid I never new a little card could hold so much in it. But when you look at them and figure them out you see just what they bring out.

Well kid I was thinking of getting a D.R. course but as you may of heard it is the worst job in the Army. And I was told tonight that If I took it I couldn’t get off of it again If it wasn’t for a log of things that have happen this last year I wouldn’t think twice about going on. But I have thought it all voer and I keep telling myself well just because I don’t care about myself don’t mean that know one els cares. So I am going to stay on the trucks so I will be able to go back to Canada in one piece. But you know riding is just a bad habit like smoking and it is hard to quit. But I would give my last thing for you and Junier. Well so much for that. I have been to a few shows this week and boy they where all good. And I just came back from one. And guess what I had for supper some good old fish and chips not like in Can. but they were good. And I got two chocolate bars. And that is somthing you don’t get every day here. I had a few cakes and cookies but boy do they ever cost money. 5c a little wee cookie. I was 2 £ in the hole this pay day and that is the same as $10.00 in Can. Money. So I didn’t have much left. I had to get that money for cigarets. It don’t cost me that much to smoke but darn neer.

Well honey I wish I could get something to send you from here. But I havn’t seen anything that is worth while. How would you like a picture of me I will see if I can get one but they aren’t worth  D.A.M. The finish isn’t any good on them I hope I can get a camera and I can send you the film and let you get them developed there. If they will let me do it. Well it is time for me to have a smoke and boy that lighting is the clear rig to make it smoke good. I can get a half pound for the lighter I got from mother but it was given to me a long time ago and money ain’t going to get it.

Say kid do you need any more money I think you can use some more. If you can’t you could put it away for us when we may need it because it may not be all honey and creem when this is over.  If you could keep me in cigarets I could send you more money because I spend most of my money on that. I may ass I havn’t received any yet I don’t know what is wrong wether they went down or some one got them you know axadently on perpose. Well the news is on now and it doesn’t sound much better or worse so it must be the same, hay. Well dearest we where halling bricks from the air raid parts today. I tell you it isn’t play driving here all day and lifting that rock. We use the rock to make roads so it isn’t waysted. It isn’t a very plesent job because you run into lots of things mixt up in the stuff that is piled upon the ground. I think you can figure out what I mean. Off course the army gets all the dirty work. But I guess it is good to work it keeps your mind of off things doesn’t it. Well sweatheart I wish I knew of something to say but my head don’t seem to be working so good. It never did work very good did it. well if you see any of the people I know and you know don’t forget to give em a word from me. And I hope we can get to try the Car that Dad got before long front seet and. Back. And I hope soon we will have one of our own. I was telling one of the boys that we would have to get together when we get back and go out for a good time. But one said what will I do with my boy. I told him the same as I would with my girl get a maid for all of them and leave em at home. Well I wonder who will win out you or me I want a girl you a boy. I hope you get your wish but I wish it would be able to take your name. Well honey I will have to say good night and god be with you till I get back with all my love and I’m yours kid Bill Evans OXXX

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