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Date: September 7th 1916
Harold Irwin

Pte H L. Irwin #2339
C A I & R Dept
74 Tunnel ave
London S. E.

Sept 7th 16

My Dearest Mother

I rec your Dear letter today & Glad to know you are all right, But Dont under- stand the 742#2 Broughton st what is the 2 for, I guess you are settled by now. & hope you like your new home, I am at the same place yet, But not at work just now, have not been to work all this week, am taking a treatment at Greenwich Seamens hospital, and the Doc wrote on my sheet unfit, so am having a good rest, I will have to take my first treatment tomorrow, so will not be able to eat tomorrow, But will make up for it the next day, I was up to see Florence last night she is fine, and geting fater every day, she seems very Happy & contented & she loves me as much at ever But it is very hard for her, for me not being able to go to her house, But we will be Happy some day, when we get back to Canada together, we will make up for lost time then. And hope the time will be very soon now,

Will Mother I am not going to be made Armur Corporal now, my papers where turned down, But will expect it maybe next month, We are having very nice weather of late. & lots of Zeppo too, we seen one on fire last week nearly over our house, it was a very pretty sight to see it fall to eath all in flames, But if English people where not so slow they would bring one down evey time they came over, But English people are to slow to stope, they make me sick, them & there ways, there is only one class of English that is any good out of about 40 classes, & that is the mediam class, & they are more like Americans then English, never tell any one that you are English for goodness sake, say you are Scotch first, When Florence gets over there she is going to be Canadian too,

Well Mother I have not got much time to write today as I have 4 more letters to write, & I hate writing worse then sin, But we both are very well, Florence could not be better & I feel very good But could be better Hoping you are all OK.

I will write Greta & Hazel a line today I have not seen Bert yet & Billie Irwin or any of them yet, I guess they do not know I am here, if they dont want to see me they dont have to, one of our boys down at shop met Irwin Brown in a Hospital here in England, & he told him he was my cousin , & told him to tell me he had seen him, & for me to drop him a line But I cant be botherd I wont tell you what Hospital he is in, But you can guess, it is a place where he can’t have Friend to see him any way,

Well I guess this is all for this time Hoping every thing is all O.K. at home,, Baby will soon be here now just six more weeks, Hope it is a girl. With all my Love & Love from us both I am as ever your Loving son.


Original Scans

Original Scans

Irwin.Harold.1916.09.07.01 Irwin.Harold.1916.09.07.02 Irwin.Harold.1916.09.07.03