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Date: December 9th 1917
Gladys Seaton

The Avonmore Residence

207 William Street



December 9, 1917.


Dear Mr Pecover,


Received your lovely long letter a short time ago. It was indeed very interesting to read such lovely descriptions of English scenery. Some of the places mentioned in your letter reminded me of Dickens writings. It is the ambition of my life to travel far and wide but I'm afraid I shall never realize my wish. I feel that my duty is work in some humble humdrum station of life. I often wonder what I shall be when I finish college. As for teaching I shall never attempt it because I know that I shall positively detest it. I want to study law, but the folks at home think that a freakish notion and turn up their noses when I mention it. However I have made a change in my course and am now on an honour pass leading to an M.A, but if nothing happens at the end of that time I think I shall farm. O joy, think of what excitement that will be.


Just to change my trend of thought I must tell you about the real western blizzard that has been raging all day. The snow is now about two feet high. I do hope it stays on for Christmas. I expect to go to Ottawa for my holidays and am planning on a fine time. Ottawa is a very beautiful city.


Exams are staring us in the face. We have senior latin this week and the rest of the exams the following week. I feel very illprepared for exams, there has been so many other attractions this fall. Essay writing takes up a lot of time. I have just finished a fifteen page essay on Sir Francis Drake, and have become very interested in him. He was something more than just a “master thief” Our history lectures are regular concerts. I would not miss one for any thing. Prof Sage has travelled extensively over Europe and the Br. Isles and makes every lecture seem so vivid and real.


The “Conversatione” was held on Friday and was a great success. I had a wonderful time. Dancing from 7.30 to 7 AM. The music was so dreamy I could have danced all night.


I have had some lovely horse back rides this fall. Last Sunday Miss Rogers, my little nurse and I, rode out to Miss Rogers home three miles from the city. They have the dearest old stone house, George Washington Style, and their front lawn slopes down to the St. Lawrence River. We had planned on going for a sail but as the weather was chilly we preferred to sit by a cheery fire. Mrs Rogers served afternoon tea and swell cake, with thick icing. My! It was good. After this we came home. We had two little black horses which were so near alike that we could not tell them apart. They have lots of mettle but not a bit nasty.


Mr Potter has at last captured our maid. He has certainly got a prize but I do not know how we will manage at home. My cousin is with Mother this winter and I am through here On April 5, but I am hoping to go to Cleveland for a short visit before going home if I can manage.


Justus has been exempted but Clare Somerville was conscripted. Suppose you have heard about the terrible explosion at Halifax. It looks as though the enemy had a hand in it. The casualties have struck Queens hard lately. Q - I wonder what will be the final outcome of all this.


Ralph Connor has a new book out now “The Major” which I am very anxious to read, but really Mr Pecover there is hardly time for to read our assigned texts, to say nothing of outside reading. I enjoy Kipling so much. Some of his ballads are regular sermons of themselves. Not in length I mean but the theme is noble


I saw Sarah Bernhardt recently. The expression of her voice and arms was very impressive but I was disappointed that she did not move around.


Harry Lauder was her too and delighted the people with his songs, cheery laughter & the grandest recruiting speech I ever heard. He has lost his only son in this terrible war, you know.


Well Mr. Pecover I hope this letter finds you well and happy. I sent a little remembrance to you last week, which I hope reaches you in good condition. With very best of good wishes for a pleasant Christmas and good luck for the coming year.


I am.


Yours very truly,



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