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Date: May 30th 1917
My Dear Ones at Home





My Dear Ones at Home


I am still in Mile End Hospital and my arm is about the same as when I last wrote. The wound is quite healed up but I cannot straighten my arm out yet, and it is still quite helpless. The hand pains quite a bit yet at times. However I feel fine, sleep well, and of course eat every thing in sight. Despite the food shortage, we get all the good food that we want in the hospital. Four meals a day just suits me right, although I wouldn't kick if they gave us five.


I am enjoying my stay in London immensely. Last Friday I went over to No. 3 Oakington Road and spent the P.M. with Franks wife. She couldn't use her own son better than she uses me. On Friday night Cam came up to London, and on Saturday P.M. he and Nellie P. & I went over to Victoria Park. We went around thro' the beautiful trees and gardens, and then for a row on the lake. On Sunday P.M. Cam and Frank's brother, Arthur came over and we sat and talked in the hospital grounds.


Monday was a bank holiday - Whitsuntide - and Pecovers had a party arranged at No. 3 Oak. Rd. Argyle got an all day pass in from Epsom. He came over to Mile End Hospt. at noon. It was the first time that I had seen him since he was wounded. I never saw Mac look so well. He weights 157 lbs. I am afraid it will be back to France for him before long.


Well we went over to Paddington together, and had a great afternoon Cam was there, and of course Madge & Eva Buddry (Janie P's. Neice) & Franks two sisters from No. 20. We took two films of pictures, and we will send you all the good ones.


Cam is certainly a fine chap. He is a Staff Sergt. now. If I can get marked 'B' class, i.e. fit only for a non-combatant unit he can get me into the C.A.S.C. Of course that all depends on how my arm turns out. It will be a matter of some months before it is right again, and even then I am doubtful whether I will have the full use of it. I cannot get anything out of the doctor here. I get the massage and electrical treatment every morning This will [author has drawn diagram of his arm with the words 'out' and 'in'] give you an idea of where the wound is The bullet went in about 1/4 in. above, and on the inner side of elbow, and came out on front side of arm about 1 in. above elbow. The bone was not touched. It is the muscles and nerves connected with little finger & the one next to it, that are effected


As I will be over here most of the summer, I would like you to send over my tan shoes, and if it does not make too big a parcel, my breeches also. My light shoes will be cooler & more comfortable than the huge black hob-nailed army boots


Just send all my mail to No. 3 Oak. Rd.


I do not know whether I told you that it was in the attack on Fresnoy that I was wounded. All winter we were a few miles north of Arras, part of the time near Souchez and latterly in front of Neuville St. Vaast When we went over on April 9th. it was from Neuville St. V. to get to Farbus It was in Mt. St. Eloi that Argyle and I were sewing ammunition bags when Fritz shelled us with his heavies. It was in Neuville St. Vaast that the big chalk cave was where we were quarted [sic] while laying an underground cable


From Neuville St. Vaast we would go back for 6 days rest to Estree Cauchy, or Petit Servins. If you have a map you will be able to find these places


Good-bye now with a world of love to all


Your loving boy.




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