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Date: August 3rd 1915

77681 Cpl J McNeill

# 1 Coy.  15th Battalion

48th Highlanders. C.E.F.



P.S. You might send me some Gilette Razor Blades, dear, I am just about out of them & have no other razor.



3rd August 1915


My own darling wife.


I have just received my parcel & I dont know how to thank you enough for it, the ring is just lovely & fits me all right, I dont think you could have chosen anything that I would have liked more, I showed it to the boys of my section & they all think it is fine, and the candies were just the thing I wanted, we have just come out of the trenches & I was just longing for something tasty but I did not have any money, when I heard someone holler out my name & there was my parcel, you should have seen me go for that choclate & chewing gum, I can tell you I did enjoy it. Now, dear, much as I enjoy all these good things, I dont want you to go spending a lot of money on me, because I know you need it all yourself, you are not getting very much & you & the children will be needing such a lot of things, I want you all to be comfortable & have everything you want while I am away, I know you did without a lot of things that you should have had when I was at home & I want you to have them now, you know, dear sweetheart that all my love is for you & our dear children & when I know that you are happy & have all you want, it makes me ever so glad & the hardships of this horrible war dont seem half so bad. I have little or no news to tell you this time, dear, except that I am still in good health & feeling fine, I got the Vernon news yesterday but no letter, but I know I will have one soon, perhaps to-night. How is George’s throat getting on, dear, I hope he is all right again, poor wee soul, I am sure he must have been very sick, I know I used to be, I suppose Eileen is just the same as ever, my how I wish I could see you all again, I think I should just go crazy:


I see by the news that you have had a lot of rain this year & that there is going to be a record for crops & fruit, which is good news, for it will make a lot of work & times should be better, it is pretty much the same here, the weather is very changeable, but the crops all around here look splendid.


I forgot to tell you in my last that we were inspected by Sir Robt Borden, Premier of Canada & Prince Arthur of Connaught, they were both very favourably impressed with our appearance & gave us great credit for the work that we have done, we had just come out of the trenches & did not look over clean, but I guess he would not notice that.


I guess this is all I have to say just now, dear, except to tell you once again how much I love you, if I could only have you with me, to have you in my arms to give you a great big love, wouldn’t I be happy, however, there is a good time coming, sweetheart, & I am looking forward to it every day, every thought I have is for my darling wife & dear children. Remember me once again dear to all my friends & believe me to be ever your loving Husband.






I am sending you my old B.C. Badges also a German Belt Buckle that I picked up at Festubert I hope you will get them all right – J.



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