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Date: April 26th 1915

Shorncliffe Camp

April 26th 1915


My darling wife


Although I wrote to you yesterday, I have to write again to-day as it will probably be some time before you hear from me again, as I believe I will be at the front in a couple of days, you know the Canadians in France have fought a brilliant action but their losses have been enormous, no one knows yet how many men were put out of action, but our Battalion is now under orders to reinforce at once, one half of the Battalion is leaving to-night & it is quite probable that we shall go to-morrow night. dont be uneasy about me, dear, you know I will take the best care of myself that I can, but pray for me, darling, for I shall be in serious danger, but Gods will be done, I have every hope of coming through all right & when I do our reunion will be a happy one, take care of George & Eileen for me, dear, & above all, take care of yourself & dont worry, for I have a feeling that everything will be all right. It will be a great experience for me & the rest of us & everyone seems glad that we are going to do something at last, the general opinion is that anything would be better than this eternal marching & drilling that we have had to do since we came here.


You will keep on writing to me, dear, wont you, I will get your letters all right as long as you address them right, dont forget my number is 77681. #4 Co. 30th Reserve Battalion. Canadian Expeditionary Force, on active service. That will get me all right, & send me a paper now & again, dear, I like to get the news. if I get a chance I will write to you again before I leave here, but I will be very busy from now on & it might only be a Post-Card, I am afraid I wont be able to tell you where we are going, as we probably wont know ourselves.


So now, dear, I must close, as I really dont know what to say except to take care of yourself & trust in God, Good bye, dear heart, forgive me for the many shortcomings I had, I know I have never been a model husband, but God knows, darling, I love you & I love my children & knowing that you love me I am going to the front with a lighter heart than a good many others, so dont forget, dear heart, that you will always have the love of your loving Husband.



Kiss George & Eileen for me, dear, & give them both a great big love from their daddy, & tell George that I want him to be a great big manly boy, for daddys sake & tell Eileen that I want her to be Mammas girl & help Mamma & George for daddys sake. ever your affectionate Husband.







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