Sept. 30, 1944,
A.R. Bergquist, V86536,
H.M.C.S. Shelburne,
Shelburne, Nova Scotia.
Dear Ma, Pa and Ruth.
I received your letters O.K. today. I am glad to hear that your leg is getting better Pa. I hope you received the money order that I sent O.K. I hope Art and those other two fellows with him get up to midlands again. They should have a better chance to get sent west from there. I bet his two weeks holiday seemed to go fast. The fellows here seem to get their leave when it comes due. The weather has been fine here today again. it is colder in the mornings and nights. I didn’t go to the show tonight. I had seen all the ones they had here this week except one at Stadacona I. I guess there will be some new ones this coming week. How is Joe Keegan doing these days? It sure was swell getting those apples. I am glad to here that Art gets over a hundred dollars back this year from the income tax. I am O.K. I hope Ma, Pa and Ruth that you are all O.K. Well that is about all for today. I will write again tomorrow.
Love to all,