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Date: June 12th 1944

L106508 Pte J. L. Dureault

Monday, June 12/44


Dearest Mother Dad Bro and Sis,

Well here I am again today feeling just fine and sure hope you are all the same. Well today I received that wonderful Identification Bracelet you sent me and some of the letters you wrote thanks a lot I don't know how I'll repay you all for it your all to darn good to me. I haven't' received your other parcel yet but hope to within the next few day's. I also received a few letters from our little Denise and some from the other Denise and they sure are all welcome.

Well I really am not doing much lately but hanging around so that suite me just fine. I guess you people are sure having lots of fund down home now eh! Keep it up as long as your happy so am I. Well Dad you sure were lucky to fine that ring you lost in the straw I sure hope you are not working to hard. Mother how are you I hear you are really working to hard don't Mum take it easy and I sure hope you are feeling fine. Blanche I am sure glad to hear you are having some fund and don't you work to hard either or your thumb will have blisters. I'm sure mean ain't I? But take care your yourself Sis. And be good my best regards to Paul, eh! Tell him to be good. Lorraine and Emilda how are you little girl's trying to jump the fence? I'll bet you are incase you are wearing out the Mirror's too ha ha be good girls. George, old boy I got your little letter today and sure glad to hear from you hugs and all old boy and be good. Carmelle how are you fine I hope and you also most be a good little girl many kisses to you. Maxine my little daring all the kisses in the world to you and be a good girl do you like your new hair cut? Or did you make a big fuss over it? Say hello to Duke for me and sure hope he is taking care of himself as far as that go's I don't think I need to worry ha ha! Also, my hello to Johnny when you see him. Tell him to leave the girl's alone. Gosh it's sure nice of father Tourien to keep up our names in the Honour Ball in Church. Thank him for me please. Have you heard any more from Tuck I wrote to him but I don't know if he got it yet? I sure hope he did as I'd like to hear from him as its been a long time since I did I think it was in February since I last heard from him as far as anything new here there isn't anything I can tell and I haven't been out yet just a few villages here and there and like all the boys here wish we were all home. They treat me us swell over here there are a lot of nice girls but I don't care for them I have one back home to think of so I leave these other's alone. Gosh I won't be able to go to church there last two Sundays it's a good thing I went to communion on the last one that keeps me pretty good for a while. I'd sure like to know some of the boy's address like Philip Robinson, he's a great guy and Les Perras address as I'd write to them and if I happen to have a well I'd go and see them. It sure would be nice to see them all but I guess it would just be luck to happen to run into them over hear. Well I'm getting pretty short of paper so I'll have to quite for tonight. I'll try to write after that is as often as I can get this kind of paper as there other is so slow in getting there that's its hardly worth while but I'll do my very best to keep the letters coming so you know I'm okay and are not too worried. Until then I wish you all the very very best of health. Also all of very best of health. Also all of the very best of luck in the world again thanks for the bracelet and parcel I still have to look forward to you people really spoil me. Well here's closing with am my love and tender kisses to all and think of you very often and sure hope you are all well.

Your Son and Bro Buck