Calgary, Albt.
11 - 10 - 42.
Dear Inona-:
Well, I just got up and went over and had dinner and had nothing else to do so though I would write a few letters. This sure has been a smart week end. About the best since I came. We had a 48 but there isn't much to do. Frankie went home to Lethbridge by plane. She wanted me to go but thought it cost too much.
Well the time is getting shorter. I am in my 22nd week but the work is getting a damn sight harder too. I wish to christ it was over. We are getting ready for our graduation dance already so it can't be very far away. We are having it at the Palasier hotel. It is the biggest in town. Frankie and I went down last Wed night and bought the goods for her dress. A nice big wine gown. The 40th entry graduated last week. They were sure glad to get out. We are going to be better off than them because they can only take morse at 18 W.P.M. and we have to take 20. There doesn't seem to be very much to tell you. It is just the same old routine every day. I got weighed last night and topped the scale at 165 so I've gained a little bit of weight. Well I can't think of any more so think I will go back to bed.