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Date: September 22nd 1943

22 Sept 43.

Dear Jean:

Well you see, I am still here. Found things in a bit of a mess when I first arrived, due to a bit of confusion developing on the "other side" during my absence, but yesterday got most of them cleared up O.K. or really all of them as far as the business over here is concerned I am now ready to tie up my red neckerchief and "go places" but the people here seem to be in some uncertainty as to the real importance of my method of going as far as relative speed is concerned - I hope they get a good hot reply, in no uncertain terms either! If the slow method is decided on, I may have considerable time on my hands, in which case think I can use it to good advantage. May be able to take a short trip to Montreal and possibly to Toronto.

Have had some interesting sessions with some interesting people here - which have kept me on the jump so far. If you and Mary had been here the last 3 days am afraid you'd have been rather disgusted at my lack of attention to you, especially during the day time. Also have been busy after supper making notes.

Last night I went out to Lashley & Mary's "flat" for supper & evening. They are a happy young couple - and I enjoyed it - a good supper too. Alice Fife gave me a box of chocolates at Kemona, so I gave them to Mrs. Haggman. candy doesn't mean much to me, altho the kindness on Alice's part was appreciated.

Have met quite a few of my old "college chums" here too - mostly Toronto fellows - but one or two from B.C. - may have time to look up some more who I know are here.

Had some very interesting discussion to-day with 2 or 3 people who are interested in post war air survey and who will possibly have a lot to say in it as far as Dominion-wide policy & programmes are concerned. Think it wise to make contacts with these people & talk to them, if it accomplishes nothing more than making myself known to them. My B.C. background is known here in a vague sort of way and my close connection with Gen. McNaughton both help to engender a bit of "prestige". If my name should come up in a couple of years from now, it won't be entirely a strange one - with the recollection of my present visit and discussion. It will be very interesting to see what happens in the next 2 or 3 years in my lien of business. Right now its all very nebulous - but it may condense into a fairly bright star in the post-war heavens. It was swell to get your second letters posted on the 18th. Glad you are at last able to get some music. Your thoughts about me are very dear to me - and sometimes I fear that your expectations are too high as far as I am concerned. I think you can always count on me doing my best - but that is limited both by personal abilities - and by a large amount of luck.

Have several people to see tomorrow and may be able to get some definite news about my movements.

Ran across several chaps both civilian & army whom I knew overseas - they are back on various assignments. Well dear I guess that is about all to bring you up to date, except that I still love you - more than ever -and think Mary is the dearest yet! You might take a chance on another letter c/o Dr LE Howlett, Nat'l Research Council here.

Love -


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