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Date: May 25th 1941

No 64

Lieut. GS Andrews, RCE.

Intelligence Branch,

H.Q. Canadian Corps,

Canadian Army Overseas

England, 25 May, 1941.

Dearest Jean:

Everything clicked in great style this morning. Both your letters of 20 and 27 April arrived, and a note and pictures from Doug Macdougall, a letter from Mr Orchard, and a bundle of photos from Mickey Trew, (air photos taken by jack Benton during 1940). It was nice of you to include a note for Mrs Morris, and it will be duly delivered to her. Earlier, in the week, 600 cigarettes from you, and your parcel containing the lobster and coffee and milk. These are very welcome. I turned over all the lobster to the Morris's and they are so delighted. Mrs M wrote you last night. She offered to let me read her letter to you, but I told her I don't like reading other peoples letters to other people, and it was entirely her and your affair, so I hope she didn't say too many bad things about your old man. I did however, read yours to her, and it was just right.

On Monday of last week, I was moved to another Mess, and live in the mess, instead of in a billet, so my sojourn in the Morris household is at an end, however I go down there with one or another of the boys a couple of nights a week, and in some ways I like that better, because the friendship is maintained without being fettered with an overdose of me. The move was purely an army rearrangement of accommodation of officers. The new mess is mostly younger fellows, and no brass hats, and I find it very much more congenial, if not so "posh" as far as furnishings go. The cigarettes relieved a shortage, and a package of pipe tobacco arrived from Gertrude, which will fill the gap until some more DIXIE arrives.

It is a surprise to learn of your operation, and I'm relieved to know that Dr Nash is looking after you. Glad you told me about it, too, we must be honest with eachother. I notice by your latest letter that you expect to be all fixed up in a week, I would feel relieved if I had a cable from you. As soon as I can I am going to cable you, for a return cable on your condition. The expense of cabling in a case of this kind is nothing compared to the anxiety it will save. I do hope you are alright. As I have so often said, Dear, you must not try to do too much, I think all the things you have been trying to do, and quite a bit of worry, what with the business in California, the house in Victoria, all my interests there, and of course, Mary, and wondering about me, and the war, I certainly feel that you are doing more than you should, without thinking about taking on a job. I do think it would be most unwise for you to attempt any kind of a job. I think that you had better forget all about jobs till next year anyway. The fact that Frank Swannell spoke of you looking so well on your return from California, makes me feel better, but I shall be uneasy till I hear about the results of your operation. You must try to get Pelgie to help you with Mary and fixing up our new home. There will be a lot of heavy work, which you must not attempt. Be wise, for Mary and my sake Dear. You are the most important thing there is to her and me.
Progress on the house sounds better in your last letter. I certainly would love to see it. I have a feeling that your choice of interior decoration is going to suit my ideas to a T. I have thought about looking for something here, in the way of a vase, or/and some nice little bronze figure, etc. so maybe I'll be lucky and find something nice. There are some wonderful shops in London, still unbombed, and perhaps I can get a day off, and get Ecila (Miss M.) to go into town one day, and show me the best places. Would like to pick up some nice color prints too, let me know of any specific thing you think could be obtained here. It may take a while, because the thing will have to be good, to be worth sending. By the way, what happened to the old Bear on the staircase of your home in Auburn? You know I have cast a covetous eye on that, and when your Mother moves into her new house, I'd hate to see the Bear lost in the shuffle.

Was down to Farnham or through there last week, and called at Dave Carey's aunt's place in a suburb there. She is a delightful old lady, and I can see where Dave gets much of his charm, or why, or something. Daves sister Ruth was there, Alice was away Ruth ahd seen Axel Kinnear, who later got in touch with me by phone, and we hope to get together some time soon. A friend of mine here took me into the Royal Geographical Society one day last week, to meet Mr. Hinks, the Secretar. A fine man, will retire soon, knows a lot about my line, had to rush off for an engagement with Mr. Amery, but wants me to come in again, to see him and talk over air photo survey at greater length. He and other officials there know my friend, Mr Bishop, BCLS, and Major Longstaff of Victoria, and asked after them.

A large bunch of Provinces arrived. Really I get very little time to read them, however, always pass them on to other BC chaps who have time, and enjoy them. There is a weekly Province, not the Saturday issue of the daily paper, but a special weekly edition, I think this would be the best send me, on I would have time to take full advantage of it, and the news is more condensed in it.

There continues to be lots for me to do, and in the course of it I seem to meet a lot of very fine people, all dealing with some important phase of Air Survey, This has always been one of the greatest sources of satisfaction to me, in my special field. As you know, I have met many fine people in the US, in connection, and it is the same here.
I was in to see Haywards for a minute yesterday, in passing, They had heard both from Bill Hall and Mr Hall recently. I enjoyed reading their letters. Mr. Hall is a swell guy.

God Bless you dear, you occupy my thoughts so much. Dear little Mary too.

All my love - Ger.

Original Scans

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